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chalinochromis brichardi


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I dont know that they are available. I know there was a post up a while back about trying to get some in the country. but I dont know what happened with them.

As for info try doing a google search. I did one and got heaps of info on them



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Ummmm... Well i did some research a while back, cause i really wanted them, (And i still do, lol).

Like Little Swimmer said, You can import them. I couldn't find any available in Australia and i didn't find any information on any imported, but i'm not exactly in any of the circles, so possibly..

From what i gathered, a 3ft would be minimum for a pair.

Someone told me i think that they can become aggressive to tank mates when breeding. So my guess would possibly be a less aggressive fish, Maybe another Tang? But i wouldn't put 2 pairs on tangs in a 3ft, lol. It'd probally end up in carnage.

I believe that they are a very slowly growing fish, as to why there are barely any around, if there is.

But this is all vague, I looked them up a while ago, and i have short term memory tongue.gif

So someone correct me if i'm wrong.

So you're best bet is to look them up on the internet and learn as much as you can, and then possibly look to try and import them.

Anyhows! Good luck with them!


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Might try Nigel (forum sponsor) guys - im not sure if he is still importing fish, but he was recently and im sure he could put you in contact with someone who could.

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IamKing -

I might be interested - cost depending. Why dont you ask Nigel hwo much it would cost to get 50 or so in. (Nigel will probably read this). Then divide it up per fish and see if you get enough takers.

If you do - make sure to take a deposit from every one up front as some ppl tend to say they'l l be in something then drop out last minute.

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If you do - make sure to take a deposit from every one up front as some ppl tend to say they'l l be in something then drop out last minute.

This really is the important factor here. At least if everybody has put down a reasonable and non-refundable deposit then you sort the men from the boys early on before any cash leaves your bank account.

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I am very interested in getting 10 of these guys, at least, and will gladly pay a deposit given the right assurances about locality, etc...I am only interested in the Bridle-faced variety.

As far as I am aware another person has tried to contact Nigel for a few weeks regarding this species with no response...but if that has changed I would be happy too. wink.gif

I remember YeW & I sticking our hands up very sharply, when this very same discussion was raised on the old SCP, to say we were interested...haven't stopped looking and have not found em yet. sad.gif

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I have got a responce from nigel and he said that he is unsure if he will be able to import them. If he does it will be sometime next year. He said that he will look into the price for me and where he can get them from. Once i know i will let everyone know. It looks like there should be enough people interested if he can get them in.


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The one that I may be able to get is from Gombe Stream. I dont know if thats the one you are all after. As it stands at the moment I cant make any promises but I can try.

Maz I dont know who you have been talking to but I answer all inquiries that are sent to me. I have had some PMs about these and told them the same as I have put here. dry.gif

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Nigel -

How many would we need to import to make it worth your time. Could you get an approximate pricing also - so those of us that are scientists (and thus economically challenged LOL!) can work out whether we can afford them smile.gif.

Cheers -

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Maz I dont know who you have been talking to but I answer all inquiries that are sent to me. I have had some PMs about these and told them the same as I have put here. dry.gif

K...maybe my mistake, may've been theirs Nigel...but I am glad that it was a mistake either way. blush.gif

You are the best hope/chance of me getting these guys, as I have said to many, at a great price and great quality(I am still VERY happy with the duboisi(Maswa) I got from you, thanks to Anita, a couple of years back).

hmmm...and what YeW said, coz even those of us who are not scientists or Potato-Admirers need to consider funds(helps way up the cost of a divorce V's cost of the new-fish. LOL.gif ) thumb.gif

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Well if I can ever get these buggers in Africa to send me a Tanganyikan shipment and not just take my money and send me nothing. mad.gif They should be about $30-$35 each at adult size. Its just a matter of finding one of the exporters thats not just out to rip me off. dry.gif

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Hi Nigel,

I think the "gombe stream" variant is one that everyone will be interested in...apart from Maz there are two other "definates" interested in Perth. Sorry to hear about the "take the money and run" problems you are having with the supplier mad.gifsadsmiley02.gif

merjo smile.gif

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I am happy with the Gombe Stream. I have only been able to find 1 picture of them http://www.cichlidchannel.com/FISH%20PICTU...lamprologus.htm It is the 13 picture down on the left. They look basicly the same anyway i think. If you are able to import them i dont think we will have any trouble finding homes for 20-30


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