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MikeWs Fish

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Hey hey,

Welcome to a small select few...... LOL.gifLOL.gif This is one species I will ensure to always keep.

I am certain they will win your heart, both with their big personalities and colour.

Watch two males in the tank though, certain you already know this, mild mbuna they are not dry.gif My breeding colonies have a four footer each - ratio 1:4.




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Hey They're here! woohoo!! wub.gif

Aline, just out of curiosity, how many in your colony?

I'm pretty sure there is 2 m and 5f females are all around 4.5-5.5cm

males are at 5.5-6.5cm and darker than the females.

The females can get through 'the bars' in the tank, so if they need it, they have got a 3x51cmx51xcm and a definite safe haben from the males.

Ive dealt with agressive mbuna before. Also keep Ps auoroa. The sub dom male will get picked on a little and if it gets too much ill keep him seperately and then rotate the males when breeding starts.

Aline, do they spawn directly on the substrate? do they need a flat rock or something? What size do females begin to hold at?

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You know what duck, i might have to get rid of the livingstonii sadsmiley02.gif Theyre both swimming around together in the same tank. I thought the bars would keep em apart but the demasoni are soo small and thin.

Edit: or get another 3 fter for them rolleyes.gif

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Hi there,

I have presently 1 male to 4 females in my breeding colonies and find that so far this is working well.

For about a period of a year (not by choice), I broke all mbuna colony rules blush.gif , and had only one male and 1 female in a two footer - she produced over 300 fry and rested herself beautifully in between mouthfuls. They are both part of a larger colony now and in a four foot and he still prefers her above all others - true love wub.gif He is now approx 7cm and has kept his colours and spirit.

I have imitated my tropheus set ups with them, plenty of rock shelving and hidey holes and feed them only veges - flake, pellets and fresh and they have rewarded me LOL.gif .

They are usually seen spawing on the flatest rock they can find but have been know to use the floor of the aquarium if need be. They are quite private in their mating usually finding seclusion a turn on.

I have also found that species only tanks work for me, not only for breeding but IMO also make the most awesome display tanks I've seen smile.gif

Hope this helps.



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Thanks Aline. Will try to get some flat rocks and another 3 females somewhere or somehow. Does that mean you have 1 male and 4 females in their own 4 foot tank? Or do you have maybe 20 or so fish in a 4 ft tank? Sorry about all the questions blush.gif


I know they are just settling in, but they seem easily spooked when i walk in the room. And they ALL like hiding under the same bit of dead coral. They actually seem quite shy ATM. Obviosuly the dom male hasnt established his territory and started enforcing it yet. We'll see what happens.

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Questions are good and for the most part, if we can filter the best from the responses one of the best ways to learn so don't ever hesitate laugh.gif .

I have each colony ratio 1:4 in one 4 footer each. Imagine the fish I relocated to make this happen smile.gif They say keep and breed what you enjoy and Tropheus and demasoni do it for me.

They are a bit skittish but this seems to settle quite quickly. Their own tank will help greatly and lots of cover. When they start to feel secure you will see them more and more. Did they come from a high traffic environment??

Unsure what you invested in these, or if you were lucky enough to come out of it lightly, but take some time to set up a good environment for them and you will not be disappointed.

I am happy to answer any questions by phone as well so don't hesitate to contact me 0404 489 445.



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Thanks Aline, I might take you up on that offer thumb.gif

I'm not sure what sorta environment they were in. Hopefull they are used to humans. Most of my fish eat from my hands, so i'll just give them a bit of time.

I had to swap some fish that are quite expensive usually. It suited me becuase they were in a rediculously small tank and i bought them on impulse. I think the person who i swapped them for got a good deal and i got a pretty decent deal too. We were both happy with the fish we we saw what each other was holding. I had to let go of my one of my favourite fish though which was tough.

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Welcome to the club Mike

How big is the area you have the males in? They will be the first to kill each other if kept in small area.


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Mike as you saw mine have some peacocks as targets/dithers and this works well for me. I have 1 6.5-7cm male in a 4x2 footprint. I had a second male but for the time they spent quarrelling I felt it wasn't worth the feeling that they might get hurt or worse in a territorial dispute. It really is amazing the amount of territory one 7cm fish needs to be truely at his best and in his element. I have noticed without male competition he is a better breeder also.

Mine have spawned on a rock, on top of a flowepot, on the glass, and also once I saw what I am sure was spawning inside a PVC pipe. I think they relocated when I came in but couldn't contain themselves.

Shame about the livingstonii, demasoni are clearly my favorite of the 2 but I have kept them a full year longer. You have hardly given the livingstonii a chance to win your heart - you only picked them up last week blink.gif

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Yea im thinking another 3 maybe 4 fter for them. But atm they are doing pretty well as a dither fish. But i cant really keep them in there as i will have cross breeding issues and the male demasoni has already whacked the dom livingstonii on the head and taken his territory (sorry to all the enthusiasts that want to see ps livingstonii prosper in NSW - lol) I think to keep them properly i might need a 4fter for them as apparantly they grow quite large.

Dont worry ducky - theres no FS on the livingstonii yet. Still gotta get my systems right for them. wink.gif

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Mike, you have a fish that has been in a tank ~6 hours take out what was the dominant fish in the tank already ohmy.gif You admit that the fish aren't even settled and are incredibly jittery still unsure.gif Do them a favor, get a divider that works, or seperate them somehow into another tank. zipit.gif I have no doubt in my mind that casualties will build up quickly with the 'territories' (45x51x51cm) being so small and the fish having free range through the seperators.

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Ducky, its more than 45x51x51 its 91x51x51 for the demasoni (as they can get throught the divider) and yea you're right 45x51x51 for the livingstonii. Fish take each other's territories all the time especially when theyre new to a tank. Ive kept 2 male auroras in the 45x51x51 with 8 females - no casualties. FYI the livingstonii has taken his territory (piece of glass and pot) back.

I'm pretty sure they'll all be fine in there.

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Another thing. Its not just the males that are really aggressive in this species. I have seen my female "punch-on" as good as the males. I have seen a holding female in my breeding tank take up an open area right in the middle of the tank and smash anything that comes close to her, including males. for a week I watched her do it. that tank will cause problems for you, espically if they start to breed in there.

Is this tank a 3x18x18 tank with a divider down the middle? cause the girls are just going to get harrased on both sides of the divider.


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Josh its a 3x51cm x51cm with a divider in the middle. It .just keeps the livingstonii on one side of the tank, Thinking of taking it out.

Edit: So all up thats around 240L of water 15 fish in the tank 7 demasoni and 8 livingstonii

Edit: My Psedotropheus aurora females also get agressive at breeding time and all compete for the domiant male. Sometimes when they are holding they like to chase away any fish that they feel could be a danger to the eggs.

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Feel free to comment.

After a singularly spectacular lack of success, I moved my demasoni from a four footer (packed out with PVC pipes) to a four foot eight inch tank. There are two adult males, two females and four younger undetermined ones. I put a flower pot at each end of the tank, and a few PVC pipes. Each male has taken residence on one pot. I put twenty or so yellows in there for “target practice” (plus I will keep anything that looks girly). I see little to no aggression with the demasoni, though they are pretty skittish. I would like to have the 1:4 ratio mentioned, but I’d be very surprised if I get anyone to sell me girls wink.gif . One female is holding at the moment, which I have separated (I want those babies).


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my colony seems to do alright with a few boys. I have at least 4 coloured up, 2 more I suspect to be male. all up 19 fish, they are in a 3x2. largest male is about 7cm, smallest female is about 5cm. will most likely breed soon, I just haven't worried about them too much so far. they are growing nicely at least. haven't lost one fish though since I had them. they are in with 15 or so maingano's which tend to be nice targets. with at least 10 females though I should have some fantastic numbers coming through soon smile.gif

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A couple of key differences in the setups described here:

Gavin, your setup is demasoni only. The difference is self explanatory IMO. Obviously when it comes down to it, demasoni are better able to deal with the heat the others put out. The livingstonii are terribly easily bullied IME and I have mine with some softhearted Copadichromis. demasoni and livingstonii - It is like keeping lions with kittens. When all is said and done demasoni Vs demasoni is going to be a 12 round grudgematch, and demasoni Vs livingstonii would be a 3 second knockout and the crowd would be bashing Don King demanding a refund. Gav's fish are from 5-7cm and NOT breeding yet. Mine were breeding with girls at 4cm and boys not much bigger. So obviously IMO this is not an ideal position for them. So much for the cram them in theory. (Sorry Gav, but your a big lad, you can take it.)

Craig, you setup sounds a bit more workable IMO. Decent sized tank, territory for each male and plenty of dithers. A major difference for my mind, electric yellows are not on the NSWCS species preservation list. Electric yellows are also not a Pseudotropheus sp.

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they are in with 15 or so maingano's which tend to be nice targets.

not sure how you got they were on their own mate wink.gif. when they were on their own they hid to much. the mainganos brought them out and their growth rate has been fantastic since then.

it depends on what you are after though ducksta for your fish. I like to get mine nice and big before they breed, that way they have bigger mouthfuls and the females recover better after each mouthful. they have been in a tank set up for growing and growing alone. I was hoping they wouldn't be breeding in there, as even if they did the chances were that I would miss all of the mouthfuls. I just feed em, then leave them be. They could have been breeding for months for all I know, I honestly haven't checked. my assumption is they haven't been cos I have seen no fry, but its very awkward to look in their tank. my aim is to move them in the next week or two as I got a shock the other day when I saw just how big they were. hopefully then I can see how they are doing, and notice if they have mouthfuls thumb.gif

so I wouldn't discount the cramming theory just yet, it is far from conclusive.

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*removes foot from mouth* I haven't slept alot lately. Give me a forehead slap on Saturday laugh.gif I admit I didn't much read your post thoroughly. I remember talking to you about them though and based my post on that conversation, I guess that was pre-maingano. Aren't you getting rid of them soon anyway? So as of next week, my comment will make sense again tongue.gif

demasoni V Melanochromis still a better match than demasoni Vs livingstonii rolleyes.gif

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