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Fry tank or fry saver?


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Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if what your opinions are on using a fry saver vs a separate fry tank. I have a Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos (Maingano) with a mouthfull atm and since this is a first for me with cichlids I am not too sure which option to choose.

I think I will also have E. Yellows with mouthfulls very soon. - Can I mix the fry in together or would I need to separate them in two fry savers or use divider in fry tank??

Also, if recommending a fry tank, please recommend minimum size and required hardware etc. I am thinking 18"x14"x14" (as this would fit nicely in the cabinet under my 4' tank), a HOB filter (aquaclear) and 100w heater. - Would I need an air stone in this small a tank.

And last but not least - how long should I let the female rest before returning her to the main tank??

Thanks in advance.

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Hi MrTang

Congratulations on your first mouthful thumb.gif

I prefer tanks for fry but the fry savers are good if you have a shortage of small tanks so I always use both and try to 'upgrade' the fish as they get bigger.

An 18" tank is more than enough. I used to start with a 12" tank and then 'upgraded' the fish to 18"ers laugh.gif

You will be able to keep the fry together as long as they are relatively the same size. I have seen my yellow fry knock off tankmates that I thought would be ok with them .... but obviously were too small to cohabit with them.

A HOB and heater will be plenty - you shouldn't need an airstone as long as there is plenty of oxygen coming through from the filter. Just make sure that the intake is capped so the fry don't get sucked into the filter.

I always removed the female after about 2-3 days of ALL the fry being out of her mouth. Sometimes, with very large mouthfuls, they may release 6 or so fry and continue holding the rest - make sure they are all out before you return her to the group.

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I like to let my girls spit in a fry saver, and keep the fry in that until they are all strong and finding food easily before I move them into a tank. I try not to mix fry but sometimes it's easier to, and I think anything that looks substantially different are a good choice to mix. I think yellows and maingano will be fine, as you can easily seperate the species by sight.

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Thanks Anita & Ducksta for your replies.

I guess if I go with the 18" tank I could put a fry saver in there for the first week or so for the sake of feeding etc. and continue to use it as a grow-out tank.

I will be looking at:

* an aquaclear HOB filter - any suggestions on size??

* a 150w heater

* no substrate

* do I need a light??

oops almost forgot....

she's been holding for about five days, I will get the 18" tank on saturday. will this tank be ok to use in the next two weeks?? I will use water from my main tank and will put in some CYCLE to try and kick start the filter - any recommendations here??

Once again thanks for your help thumb.gif

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For a fry only tank, I would forget the aquaclear and just use a sponge filter. There is a risk of fry being sucked into an aquaclear, and fry like to graze on the sponge filters.

Get a filter NOW and run it on an established tank for a week. After a week, set the new tank up with both filter and water from your established tank. That should avoid the whole cycle process for ya wink2.gif

And no, you do not need a light, but they can be useful when trying to catch fish. But if you mean do the fish need one, no they dont.

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I prefer a fry saver first.

The big advantage with them is that you can leave the fish on the same tank as the adults, this gives them the same water conditions and temp that they are used to.

When they are a bit bigger you can move them to a growout tank. Just remember to keep the size of the young about the same.

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Thankyou Cichlids_au for raising a good point. I didn't think about the effects of a climate change. How long do you normally wait before moving fry into a growout tank?? dry.gif

Has anyone had any problems with moving a holding fish into a fry tank to spit??

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i put my mpothers into my fry tank each time i clean my water or have to top up my fry tank imake sure that my babies get the water from where the parents are i drain from praents tank into fry tank they like it havent lost many to spit their baies i let thewm do it naturally and this is after about a wewek

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