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My Jaguar


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My Jaguar

Size = 23cm

Sex = Female

This is my Jaguar Chichlid. She lives alone and has just laid eggs. I have had her for only 12 Days and I assume she is still sulking as she has not eaten yet. She has settled into her new home and is happy. The first week she lurked around the tank, The last few days she bulldozed all the gravel around 10kgs to one side f the tank. Last night I noticed she had laid eggs.



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nice solid fish

if there is substrate it must be re arranged :lol5:

by the look of her she will go a while before being hungry

you may have to tempt her with something meaty

earthworms or pieces of prawn

I'm guessing she is by herself maybe a few guppies to

keep her company for a short while :blink

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Hi link

Thanks for your reply. There is substrate but she moved 10kgs of it to one side of the tank. I have tried worms and there is a Molly swimming in side the tank too. Oh well she will eat when she gets hungry I suppose been like two weeks. I had a Saratoga once and when I moved house she didn't eat for like 8 weeks.

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