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55g multi tank


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hey guys,

im gonna be moving my multis over into a 55g and am a bit unsure if i should try a tank mate or 2 perhaps, i was considering a pair of rock dwellers of some description (maybe punks?) whats your opinion on possible tank mates?

im going to lay the tank out as basicly a huge shell bed but adding maybe a rock pile at one end to allow for another geographically correct species, i would also be looking to breed the other species but i do have spare tanks to grow out/remove fry as needed.



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A Julidochromis species for the rocks would be nice, and cyps of course.

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No, i had about 3 or 4 males in a 4 ft 50gal. One or two will be the most dominant, but it worked and they bred...

EDIT: Oh and of course, this was in a school of 12 - 15.

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Hi David,

For that sized Tank I would recommend lepto malasa or utinta and a school of 12 would be good. The jumbos probably need slightly bigger tanks. I am assuming that you have a standard 4x14x18(h) 55g means nothing to me :). Leptos really like height in a tank especially jumbos.

I have kept and bred utinta and jumbo tri- colour mpwimbwe and the jumbos were happier in my 6x2x2's than my 6x2x18's but the utinta were happy in a 3x18x18 in a species only tank.



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bugger, well its ok at $90 each from the LFS or 20$ but the breeder likes to sell in groups of 8-12 they arnt really affordable for me. any other tank mate suggestions? was considering moving the rock pile to act as a divider and adding a brevis pair or 2.

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This is my personal experience, but for me brevis were boring. They arent particularly colourful, they didnt breed for me (couldve been water or food but i had them at least a year) and they didnt show any interesting behaviour. Occies, on the other hand, were a blast. They were hilarious fun to watch. Shifting the sand, squabbling amongst eachother, trying to kill the julie's that were 3 times there size. I love gold occies, and i think you would too. aggressive little brutes lol.

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I would probably not have multies and occies or any other shellies just have one. I would consider some julies or lelelupi, neo brichardi or even a few nigripinnis perhaps as long as you had plenty of rock piles and caves. You will probably not very many multi fry however as they will be picked off.



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