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Hi community,

Excited to be returning to the hobby after 10 years absence and would like some stocking advice on my 3 ft tank (35 cm D, 45 cm H). I kept a handful of assorted Africans I was given in Brisbane before moving to Melbourne so I have a little experience. My tank is currently cycling.

My lfs suggested a species only tank of 6 to 8 lombardoi. Reading other posts here I'm now also thinking of Pseudotropheus saulosi or a combo of Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei" (Msuli) & Labidochromis caeruleus.

I'd really like a couple of strong contrasting colours. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Hi Woogie, Welcome to the forums! :raisehand:

It seems you have your mind set on Malawians, which is always nice. I cant help you in that regard, but if you are wondering about some other options i can make some suggestions.

A trio or even 2 pairs* (*IF the tank is decorated correctly) of an Apistogramma of choice, in a well planted setup, along with a school of tetras of choice? (or if you want your dwarfes to breed without the fry being eated, pencilfish!)

This is a small male Apistogramma cf. agasizzii "Alenquer"


As you can see, they are quite pretty, in a different way to Malawian mbuna! This is a small male yet to develop fully aswell!

There are many different shape and coloured Apistos to chose from... If you are interested, take a look at http://www.apistogramma.com/forum/

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Hi Woojie and welcome to ACE :raisehand:

a standard 3ft tank is OK as a species tank but Lombardi can get a bit agro so I would consider this

size tank is a bit small

stick with a group of any of the others Pseudotropheus saulosi or Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei" (Msuli)

or Labidochromis caeruleus or Pseudotropheus msobo for Mbuna

others to consider Aulonacara maylandi or kandensis don't grow as large as other peacocks and

not that common or Protomelas Taiwan reef a mid sized Haplochromis

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Thanks everyone, some good advice and some nice options offered. I think I'll stick with the Africans for starters as that's what I'm used to and I'm leaning now to the saulosi. How many do you think I could run in my tank?

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You could keep a really good size group of Salousi in that tank. I am keeping 4 males and about 20 females in 4 foot long tank.

You could keep that many in a 3 foot tank as long as you gave them plenty of hiding spots.

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Welcome to ACE.

Josh selection gives you your contrasting colour in a single species tank. Your suggestion of Acei and Yellows is also a good combination.

Whilst I have keep M. lombardoi in a three foot tank they are highly aggressive to their own species and any other tank mates. They are not for the faint hearted and you need to be on your toes and provide plenty of structure for the bullied to hide.

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