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Spare tank.. what to put in it


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So I currently have a 'spare' 3 footer, was thinking of keeping/breeding something interesting.

Obviously a small-med cichlid in that sized tank, say a trio or small colony.

I'm leaning towards a Tanganiyikan, I'd like some C. pleurospilus but they don't seem to be avail at the moment.

Any suggestions? Something interesting that won't break the bank but isn't too common.

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mate ive got a colony of aulonocranus dewindti 2m 5f i need the room i was selling for 300 pick em up 250 or ive got fry at 20ea 3-5cm.10cm max size.pleuro size ull need bigger than a 3ftr

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If you want something interesting get some Neo. Multies. I have kept them many times over the years. Watch them move gavel and arrange their shells is so amazing. They don't eat their fry. Once they settle they will breed regularly and you can watch the fry grow.

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