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Tapajos Biotope tank progress.


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This is my latest setup: going to stock with Geo. sp. Tapajos, Dicrossus maculatus and Lemon tetras. The plants are echinodorus latifolius, chain swords. And the red leafed plant in the middle i didnt order or pay for, so i dont know what it is, but i have an idea. i guess its some sort of lily.

The water is unusually cloudy and wont clear. Ill open up my canister and see whats going on in there. I recently learnt that the way canisters come arent the most efficient way of arranging the media, so i re arranged and doesnt appear to be helping the clarity haha. might have to put some very fine wool at the very top after the ceramic rings and bioballs.

Anyway, here is a bad shot with the 2 ft light and 3ft light on.


and one with just the 2ft on the planted end:


Ill post progress when i get my fish. Im having trouble sourcing the Dicrossus though...



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Thanks guys,

Yeh ill look into Purigen, might order some off AOA if it doesnt clear sooner rather than later.

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Thanks for the kind words fellas,

I got up early this morning and opened up the canister, the foams were pretty clogged up, which i guess is a good sign. Replaced the fine filter wool which was pretty gross! I didnt properly clean it before i set it up on this tank, wanted to keep it cycled but i guess it needed a good rinsing.

Been in contact with Smiths and have PM'd Andrew from Labyrinth about the stocking. Havent got a reply from Andrew yet, might have to give him a ring. Seems like everyones got Geos, but no one has D. maculatus!!

Jodi Lea from fishchicks has stopped ordering them because of too few sales which is a real shame, just as i wanted to buy!

Oh well,

Ordering the Tetras some time today or tommorrow, if a water check passes...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes actually, ive got my school of 15 Lemon tetras settling in. Ill put up some update pics sooner or later, been quite busy....

The search continues for the elusive D. maculatus, ill have to ring Labyrinth if Andrew doesn't reply to messages!

I have lots of sources for G. sp Tapajos, but not sure if they are particularly good, but we will see.

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Here's the update i promised:

Grim photo but whatever, im liking the tannins. Im also getting a Blue ram pair and some tapajos towards the end of the week someday, the blue rams will go in another tank when its ready for them. or when i get the d. maculatus


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  • 4 weeks later...

Great looking set up stock list sounds great I would add 15-20 sterbai corydoras

Or just 10 wait till they breed to get there numbers up

Angels would look great aswell but would not keep them with any fish that might be breeding in your tank

If you don't want them to breed they will look great

I Planned a very similar tank looks great

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, im not 100% sure on the quality but so far so good. They are still small yet, very active. Ill get you some update photos tonight. I havent had any luck with finding D. maculatus, so ive decided to go with 2 blue ram pairs for display purposes. Not how i planned considering its supposed to be a biotope, but what can you do? If they breed again (this time with a male to fertilize, i havent got the males yet) ill separate the female and the nicest male and see if i can get some fry.

Im going to be focusing on breeding wild apistogramma while the cute little geos grow up then will try my luck breeding them.

I considered angels, but the only really ones i like are wild P. altums, and if i were to get those they wouldnt be going in a display!! haha.

Pics soon, stick around!

EDIT: oh and im getting some more varied plants soon too, so wont be so boring.

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Here are some crappy pics, the scape is the same, ill get another full tank shot when ive planted the new ones







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  • 2 months later...


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