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Champsochromis Caeruleus Update 13/3/14


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Beautiful photo and well worth the effort. :yes:

Michael do mind if I tweak the photo in Photoshop. The White Balance is a just bit off giving it the bluey cast and the curves need adjusting.

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Michael here is a quick adjustment of the White Balance and Curves in Photoshop. Removing the blue cast has a bit of blue out of the Champ. How does this compare to the actual fish and the tank background.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a bit of an update.

these guys are still growing like mad. caught them in the act late last night and managed to get some quick photos. He was almost impossible to photograph while he was tearing around the tank chasing the Mdokas away. Please excuse the reflections and out of focus shots. these were the pick of about 150 blurry photos. :happy:

The male was getting pretty rough on the holding female. it appeared as though he was chasing and ramming her head in an attempt to get her to spit the eggs. i decided for her sake to strip her this afternoon. the chasing completely stopped as i reintroduced her back to the tank.






and one of my whitelips. :wub


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thanks Ged, yeah i really love the mdokas. they are just such a peaceful fish but can also stand their ground larger for aggressive haps.

Rob, i would probably say around 40-45. just checked on them and looks like 6-7 are definiately not fertile. but the rest still look good. if i hit them with my LED torch i can see a little black dot developing and well as a couple of very small blood vessels on a few eggs. i guess ill know in a week or so.

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