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Cichlasoma festae. Red terror


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I've seen them in a few of my lfs for a lot less than $30 at 3-4 cm. best thing to remember is something is only worth as much as what people are willing to pay :) good luck with the sale I hope you get the amount you're after.

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A 20cm festae for $30 are likely a few that are unwanted and given to a shop for cheap after having a group of them to get a bonded pair from and are likely to be all one sex (males).

If you look for cheap festae it's likely you will end up with a poor blood line.

Quality varies greatly in these fish.

Seeing this color so small and being that vibrant burnt orange, red color in a pair, a breeder would be willing to pay three to four times their value being a breeder looking for quality for continuation.

Some times the poorer quality of fish take over due to penny pinchers.

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you can buy them from a lfs around my way at 20cm for $30 so a pair i'd pay no more then $50 for at 10cm

You obviously arnt fussed about fish quality , only what you have to pull out of your wallet.

The colour and finage these fish will be showing at 25-30cm will be outstanding.

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you can buy them from a lfs around my way at 20cm for $30 so a pair i'd pay no more then $50 for at 10cm

You obviously arnt fussed about fish quality , only what you have to pull out of your wallet.

The colour and finage these fish will be showing at 25-30cm will be outstanding.

you obviously don't know me and what i keep mate

i used to breed americans years ago before and the fastae at this lfs are quality they just stock larger fish than most shops to be honest 1 of there males is the best example of a festae i have seen in a long time and mate you came on asking for a price thats what i'd pay you don't have to like it

and as for not wanting to pull money out of my wallet come and have a look at my collection i import rare species than sell there fry for a poofteenth of what a shop or wholesaler would charge

in summary you asked for an opinion if you didn't like it tough

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Everything here is all very honest and valid.

But the Festae value at the moment is very up and down and quite confusing.

Looking oz wide prices are all over the place.

Take a look on pet link today.

Their was a guy I tried to get the price down on pet link two months ago.

He wanted $30 for a 3cm fish, I passed.

Obviously he got stuck as time went on and now his prices are much lower and that wasn't a shop.

Here in Perth I live at the opposite end of everything in and between Perth off Bowdy so we don't visit the same shops.

But five years ago in a shop they use to sell for $12.50 each and I recently saw them in another shop for $22.50 each.

The GFC has happened between then and now, this saw some species almost disappear.

I remember the old strain of festae and they were a lot more yellowy rather than the more reddy color.

Festae quality I have to admit these days west and east seem to be much better.

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i just paid $50 for a 3 inch male (75mm)

and $50 for 5 x 20mm fry.

Dont tell the misses for christ's sake!!!!

@#$% it, the power bill can wait!!!

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Mmmm sorryI don't say much on here. I am Rowie's business partner and if u would bother to keep an eye on the market u would no we are fair dink about putting rare and quality fish back into the hobby at no profit!!!!!!!!! If not a loss!!!!

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