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foods for fry


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some use water straight from the tap into the tanks, most of these people also add a dechlorinator some add water

conditioning salts and bi carb

others will mix the tapwater and conditioners in a bucket before adding to the tank

others use a drum to precondition water and also raise the temp to a similar level as the tanks before using it

it comes down to what your happy with and your limitations and knowing the parameters of your tapwater compared

to your tank parameters

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I have a puratap style water filter from Bunnings (designed for a caravan) mounted next to tap. Has a pretty good carbon filter. I still use a little conditioner. Have done changes without and no issue. Not expensive to change carbon filter a couple of times a year. I have changed up to a third during cold Adelaide winter with no issues. No limit in summer because water is a little warmer out of tap.

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Hi. I use NLS grow with small fry and microworms. Fry grow faster with regular water changes ( 1 or 2 a week) and I use a dechlorinaror and buffers ( aquasonic carbonate hardness and rift lake conditioner) as I keep tanganyikans. I live in adelaide so if I kept malawis I wouldn't bother with conditioner as our tap water is similar to lake Malawi.

Enjoy the fry.

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