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new filter advice for a 4x2x2 diplay tank


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im currently running an aqua one, approx 1800 lph but it seems to be lagging lately.

the tank is moderately stocked with malawis, tangs, vics and a few BN.

i am leaning towards the fluval FX5 but have also heard some good things about some of the ehiem products, the 2217 or 2206 i think those are the model numbers, i rwally cant be bothered re housing the fish and fitting a weir and sump

so, if you had approx $500 to spend on a canister filter, how would you spend it?

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just to let y'all know, i got the fx5...its seriously good, really good flow and very easy to set up and cleaning will be a breeze, filled the middle of the trays with matrix, which from what ive been told is top notch

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I had a 2217 on my standard 4ft with an AC110 hanging off the back and found it ok. I'd definitely go for something bigger or more than one on a 4x2 unless it will be lightly stocked. Most of the things I hear about FX5 are very good, however I would also lean towards making a simple sump and filling with good media.

My 5x2x2 which I'm setting up will be running a 230L sump with a high flowing pump, but I am still thinking of keeping the 2217 on it as backup. Then a DC pump to keep the sump running if the power gets cut (very rare but I'd like to have some sort of contingency plan).

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Great choice frankenstrat I run fx5s on all my 5x2x2 tanks best on the market

Filled with eheim substrate pro and wool

Can't beat em


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i have an eheim 2080 on my 4x2x2 its awesome, the pre filter keeps the media so clean.

i just cleaned mine for first time in 9 months and the media was spotless even with 40 T's in there.

2080 kills the fx5 easy.

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