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crazy summer lows. whats safe for tangs. heater come out or stay in the closet? lol


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as the topic, my tanks been hitting around 20 lately and better to be safe than sorry.

currently all fish seems like normal, saw a free lure a male them kick hims away for like all day.

i'm thinking she wants to do it but she waiting for rain aka water change??? (tomorrow arvo to see if my theory pans out).What am really concerned about my first born xeno ochrongenys fry 2months lol. been little skitsh and frieghtend, they are eating well and doing fine by themself but just scared of me!!! could it be temp as it's 20. (though it could be the water change a day go that made them defensive).

so to summarise, cold them in summer, heater in or out???

cheers :)

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I don't remove my heater from the tank at all. It saves massive temp fluctuations in case of sudden cold snaps. The heater won't heat the water when the temps are high anyway. I have never ever understood why people remove them over summer...

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had a heat wave the otherday , after i did a big water change on my bristle nose fry.... as i wasnt home , i lost 50 odd b/ns plus the big breeding girl..... my first big loss.... anyhow , saved the rest of them....sorry for hijacking the thread.

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I bump my heaters up from 24/25 to 27 in summer. The tanks are usually 29 to 30. A sudden drop from 30 to 24 is likely to result in ich.

Equally you could say that by having a temp usually at 29-30 could result in deaths should a heat wave come. Trying to cool the water is alot harder

than it is to heat it.

I'm a fan of having them off but inside - you save power, CO2 emmisions and money. I'd still monitor the temperature here and there on particularly cold days though.


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If it's on cold days the kwh will go from 5kwh per day to at least 18kwh and a max around 23kwh.

At a rate of say 0.25c/kwh thats going from a cost of $1.25 to between $4.50 and $4.75.

Do that on many days and it's not hard to tell thats a significant consumption decrease.


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i do not understand why people remove heaters over summer, when the thermostat turns them off they draw no power....i keep my Tang tanks at 22 to 26 and they may heat up more with a heat wave. it can get cold overnight where i live so i dont want fish getting cold overnight. also they are less likely to get broken in an aquarium or sump than they are sitting in a cupboard or drawer somewhere.

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i do not understand why people remove heaters over summer, when the thermostat turns them off they draw no power....i keep my Tang tanks at 22 to 26 and they may heat up more with a heat wave. it can get cold overnight where i live so i dont want fish getting cold overnight. also they are less likely to get broken in an aquarium or sump than they are sitting in a cupboard or drawer somewhere.

With a heater in the tank and powered, there's always that chance of fish soup.

Add 30+ degree weather and ambient temps to match and there is alot less time to identify and get rid of a heater with a screwed thermostat.

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anyone tried breeding pair of ghost knife soup? It's not nice...

heater went back in yesterday :)

i do not understand why people remove heaters over summer, when the thermostat turns them off they draw no power....i keep my Tang tanks at 22 to 26 and they may heat up more with a heat wave. it can get cold overnight where i live so i dont want fish getting cold overnight. also they are less likely to get broken in an aquarium or sump than they are sitting in a cupboard or drawer somewhere.

With a heater in the tank and powered, there's always that chance of fish soup.

Add 30+ degree weather and ambient temps to match and there is alot less time to identify and get rid of a heater with a screwed thermostat.

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