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Heres something I didnt know


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I had read this in a number of articles but they did not provide definitive salt concentrations.

Have you read something recently that provide evidence of the affect of salt on nitrite blood absorption rates?

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This is useful, rather than a scatter gun disease remedy, nitrite can be easily detected and the 1mg/L Chloride is a precise dose, with measureable benefits.

Treating a disease or condition with a correct diagnosis and precise treatment usually achieves better outcomes than a scatter gun or broad-spectrum approach.

Not saying that those treatments aren't useful......

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That is a really interesting article. The way I read it is that 1ppm Choride mitigates 0.37 ppm of nitrite being taken up by the gills. This nitrite affects each species differently, but low levels effect sensitive species. Other species can tolerate higher levels. Erring on the side of caution never hurts.

So in effect if a nitrite test is positive, a pwc will bring down the levels, there will still be nitrite present and it will build up again until the next pwc. Dosing the level of chloride required (before pwc) will help protect the fish.

To work out the amount of salt required:

amount of salt (NaCl) needed in g = Nitrite level (ppm) / 0.37 * 0.00165 * tank volume (Litres)

Someone check my maths.... but I think that should work. And would be very useful during a filter crash.

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So add salt (for the chloride), after you've dechlorinated the tap water?

Would any 'dechlorinator' still active during a water change be effectively removing the Cl gained from adding salt or does the different state help it hold?

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