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2 Spare Tanks - What to use them for


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Hey guys. I recently got 2 tank for a cheap price.

1 x 60L

1 x 30L

Just wondering what you guys suggest I could do with these. Could I breed anything in them or would they be too small. Are there any fish that are in need in LFS and on the forum that are easy to breed. I know peppermint BN I can't find to many place with them. But dunno how popular they would be.


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Depends on what is in your other tanks. Tanks that size would always be handy to have empty.

- Quarantine for new fish.

- Treating sick or bashed up fish.

- Extra space for a couple of unexpected batches of fry.

If you choose to try to breed an extra species - you will eventually need even more tanks to raise the fry.

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Depends on what is in your other tanks. Tanks that size would always be handy to have empty.

- Quarantine for new fish.

- Treating sick or bashed up fish.

- Extra space for a couple of unexpected batches of fry.

If you choose to try to breed an extra species - you will eventually need even more tanks to raise the fry.

At the moment im pretty sure i dont ahve enough room to add any more fish, so currently i wouldnt need a Qurantine tank. Eventually (hopefully in the enxt 6 months) when we move i would like to move up to a 6 foot tank and move my current stock into that. All the fish are getting along really well with no issues atm, and none will breed i dont think, maybe my 4 Orange spotted bristlenose catfish. But other than that, i dont think so.

Would it be possible to breed something in the larger of the two then move the fry to the smaller of the two. Then eventually move the breeders into the community tank until i upgrade if need be?

Any suggestions as to what fish i could breed?


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For most cichlids, base dimensions are more important than volume.

Assuming the 60 is not a strange high shape, you could perhaps look at some of the less demanding South American dwarves.

A great starter species would be Krib's (Pelvicachromis) and they are very nice if you track down some well bred lines.

Maybe some Neol. multifasciatus

edit, note that they are "or's" - kribs and multi's aren't types of SA dwarves.

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For most cichlids, base dimensions are more important than volume.

Assuming the 60 is not a strange high shape, you could perhaps look at some of the less demanding South American dwarves.

A great starter species would be Krib's (Pelvicachromis) and they are very nice if you track down some well bred lines.

Maybe some Neol. multifasciatus

edit, note that they are "or's" - kribs and multi's aren't types of SA dwarves.

The Dimesnsions are:

60cml x 30cmw x 38cmh

45cml x 25cmw x 28cmh

Do you know any reputable breeders in the Brisbane Area that would have these for sale that i could use for breeding. I always have access to a mates tank for quarantine and hospital tanks. Its more of a shared tank we can both use in times of need. That is why im looking at Breeding, if possible. Would really like to give it ago :)


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