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Kribensis Eggs


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G'day people,

I have had little to do with kribensis, I grabbed a couple mainly because I knew they breed well and the kids would love it.

Now I have a coconut full of eggs, but the female is not in there 100% of the time, she goes for walks at feeding time and the like.

Should I be trying to remove the eggs ? I want to have some fry for my kids to see.

Or do you think she will be fine ? The male is keeping everyone (electric Labs) away from that part of the tank, so he is doing his part well.

I just thought it was a 24/7 thing to fan the eggs, but as I said I am new to kribs.

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+1 to Mattrox just leave them alone in a few days you will have wrigglers then free swimming fry once the egg sack is almost gone

if you want to remove any fry the wriggler stage is the best time but don't take all the fry

very interesting time when you see the parental behaviour with fry with Kribs


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Yeah I might leave them then .. I think this all happened last night .. saw her doing her belly dance so i turned out the tank lights early.

Will they still be eggs in say 3 days ? Kids are at there other dads house for the weekend.

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Yeah I will be getting mostly males. I am at the very top of there tollerable PH level.

Hey for anyone out there looking for good coconut homes for kribs... I found out something interesting.

Use the bottom part of the coconut that doesn;t have any holes. I have 3 coconut homes and they choose the darkest one (the one with no holes in the top that you use to get the milk out)

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Well that didn't last long, the eggs are gone. Lucky I didn't tell the girls haha

They were well defended inside a coconut shell with a small opening, my tiny bristlenose wouldn't have eaten them would he ?

I am guessing just first time gitters for the kribs or my flash light spooking them ?

Any help to make the next lot of eggs more successful would be great.

EDIT: also the eggs were white.. how soon do the eggs turn orange ? 24 hours ?

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