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question re synodontus multipunctatus


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i bought 2 S multipunctatus, about 2 weeks ago, they have been in a quarantine tank for a week and i added them to my 8X2.5x2.5 display tank last week. i have seen 2 glimpses of them since. there are large rock piles in there (too large to remove) that they might be hiding in

they are 6cm and the other inhabitants are tropheus, leleupi, cylindricus, calvus, cyps, paracyps, gobies and a few other oddities (all small)


should i be worried they are dead and rotting in there somewhere or is it normal for them to hide, and will they become more active later???

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Cuckoos are a schooling fish and like hanging around together, the more of them you have in the tank, the more they will venture out. With just two, you will rarely see them during the day. You may find that they don't get enough food during daytime feeds for optimum growth and conditioning if the tank is well stocked with other fish, it is wise to add some sinking pellets 2 or 3 times a week at night after you turn the tank lights out. The cuckoos will feed on them while the other fish sleep. Also, they are not algae eaters, don't feed them algae wafers, they prefer the same food you give your other malawis and tangs.

Cheers, Doug

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I have 2 large and 2 smaller multis, the bigger pair are very active -constantly cruising the resident mbuna action for an opportunity to breed. Very entertaining fish.

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