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What are my Calvus doing?


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Hi Guys,

I have a pair of Black Calvus, they never sit together, each one is taking an opposite place in the tank, the female 1st starting attacking the male and then the male turned the table around and started with the show...

The male is about 6-7cm and the female is slightly smaller...

So can I please understand what this is all about?

here are a couple of pics for illustration:

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image


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Thx mate, will they breed after determining who is the dominant of the two?

I haven't kept tangs before, so very basic when it comes to their behavior.


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How are you mate

They are definately lip locking

If the pair in question are the same age the female should be alot smaller with a more bullet like shape where the male has a more straight up fore head or turn them upside down and vent sex them i did this with my harem and was surprised how easy they are to vent the females vent like all species is alot larger than the males

Alot of people sell pairs of calvus without actually knowing there a pair they just assume the smaller fish are female which isnt always the case your best bet is to vent sex them

Cheers rowie

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a better pic would help but I agree with Rowie

looks like 2 boys in those pics you have

don't remember seeing any Alto's I've had other

than males hook up like that

females usually turn side on and curl their body

to show the male subdominance


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I cant actually see the images but from what it sounds like they are males going at it! females are more bullet shaped, the males will have a larger nuchal hump on there heads, which makes there head have a steeper slope. females also have alot larger, longer vents, even when not in breeding condition. shouldnt be too hard to vent them.

I have a calvus harem... there is no exact pair and the male can be mean to all of them but he breeds with any of the three, and actually just got 60+ fry this morning.

I dont see any pair behaviour between them, unless the female wants to breed.


Hope this helps...

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Yep I do, but these what actually caused the fish to die...

My Older BIL (The guy who purchased the fish) went to Cabaritta and collected some shells from there, did not boil them or treat them in any way, just washed them and placed them in the tank....

The fish along with a pair of Princess Brichardi, 1 pair of Multis all juvies, and a colony of crimson tides consisting of 2 males and 4 females.... were all fine for the 1st 2 days. then a white spot outbreak took place which caused the crimson tides to die one after the other even though extensive treatment was provided, the Calvus were then moved to a quarantine tank to avoid them getting the white spots but then his younger brother did not like them there so moved them to the 3ft and killed them, as for the multies and brichardis, the brichardis are safe in my tank with the malaiws and the multies are in my gow up tank with the crimson tide fry....

Boiled the shells and the multies are loving them....

Really sad to see the Calvus (Excellent Quality Fish) dying and couldn't do a thing about it...

I believe the seller is a user on this forum as well but do not know the username...

Thumbs up to him, excellent quality fish mate if you are hearing me...


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hey mate

i have to pairs of black calvus and my two males lip lock all the time but i have never seen him do it with the female she just turns side on and curls up ( as said by link2hell). in saying that im sorry to say but i think u hav to males. good luck anyway mate

cheers daniel

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