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Flamebacks Pics


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Hi Guys, here are some quick photos I took Yesterday morning...

Your feedback will be much appreciated:


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Red Empress Male:

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Red Rubin Peacocks:

Dominant Male

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Sub Dominant Male and Female

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Electric Blue:

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Yeah already spat them out, about 30 of them, left it in the same tank for about 3 weeks and a half and then she spat them out in the 2 footer after I moved her into it...

Pretty cool...

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I have purchased the "Red Rubins" from a trustworthy member here no ACE, and there is a long thread regarding this issue, you can check it out...



The other one was closed... couldn't find it..

As for the red empress it is definitely the Protomelas Taeniolatus...

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I though it was a Pundamilia nyererei. Some of these fish have a red splash over the back, so they get miss named as Flameback which is a different fish.

Xystichromis sp. "flameback", http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1548

Xystichromis sp. "Kyoga flameback" , http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1550

As far as I am aware neither of these fish entered the country when Vics first appeared. But someone wiser and more experienced could clarify.

Most fish going around as Flamebacks or Kyoga Flamebacks are actually P. nyererei and this fish also has a variant that is more "blue" like the fish pictured above.

Haplochromis sp. "#44" thickskin, http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1546

Sp. 44 usually has quite a lot of yellow on the flank.

I am ordering this book to learn more.


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Thanks for the reply Mattrox, well illustrated and explained....

My Crimson Tide male, shows different coloration based on its mood.

This photo that I have attached was for it when it was sleeping, took it before going to work, I normally open the blinds for the sun to come through, since my tank is very close to it, and this allows a Natural Habitat look a like, never turn on the lights unless I wanna feed them at night.... Once I open the blinds it takes them a while to wake up and become alert... :)

I have another pics where it is only showing Yellow and Green on its body no red...

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Hi Matt

I used to own a fish identical to that one. When I got it, it came in a tank of crimson tides but I brought it home and after research, I concluded it was a thickskin/crimson tide hybrid. Still not 100% sure of the conclusion though. The fish Robdog pictures is much darker than a nyererei all over and doesn't have the red blaze at the top.

But I hadn't considered a blue variant of pundamilia nyeri. Are you refering to Pundamilia Pundamilia?

Regards, Rob

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I have seen pics of fish identical before in a different forum's ID section.

I thought it looked like this http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=2637

Pundamilla sp.'Blue Bar' Hippo Point


Pundamilla pundamilla


And the Hippo Point Blue bar is thought to possibly be a location variant of the above P pundamilla.

That's what I thought it was for sure but was told it is nyererei.

Possibly because of the genetic mess Vics are in, in Aus and world wide there is confusion. Plus a nyererei Flameback could have crossed with a hippo point some time close to the introduction of these fish in Aus and these blue fish pop up from red backed fish. We actually need a Vic expert to sort out the mess.....

[rant] I mean the crimson tides sold in shops aren't even crimson tides FFS

Crimson tide http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1570

What the LFS calls a crimson tide http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/species.php?id=1556 [/rant]

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Aymenz, Those fish in the video love playing around with the algae disc, sort of like a dog with a ball. I hope you don't mind us discussing Robdog's fish.

Matt, I posted about 3 years ago on a different forum on what is a similar fish as Robdog's here:


Here are some shots of the black fish I had back in 2008

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Probably a hybrid but an interesting fish to keep back then since it was so dark.

Regards, Rob

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