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Advise needed


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The situation is, i have ordered 2 julidochromis ornatus at 3-4cm and they are expected to arrive on tuesday the 19th. I have 2 paired up brichardi and three lemon cichlids in a four foot tank. Running at 8.5 Ph with plenty of rocky caves. (though mostly taken up by the brichardi)

Any tips to ensure there survival?

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They should be fine. I wouldn't worry about adding them personally but for peace of mind add them at night after lights out, a few hours after feeding time and observe carefully got several hours for any aggressive behavior. If they are attacked re arrange the rockwork to disturb any territories.

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When adding new fish to an established cichlid tank I always found it useful to remove all the rocks and other decorations then add the fish.None of them has a territory and its equal footing when you put the rocks back(in a day or so)

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Ok ill try your suggestions, thanks. Its a bit hard for me to take ALL the rocks out because the main stack is pretty large, and i also dont want to break up the pair... but ill try and see what happens.


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My julies came this morning and even though i wasnt here to supervise the release, all went well!

I moved rocks and added some and they seem to be unharmed and happy! one is about 2 cm long and the other is round 3


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Yeah it could just about fit in the dominant Lemons mouth! I havnt seen any aggression towards it yet, and they dont view it as food, coz they are too well fed!! :B

3cm one is starting to get some colour back...


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