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sump media


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Hey Guys

I have setup my 4ft sump and have placed the media inside. Just wanted to know if this is ok or how could i improve my media setup e.g more matrix, more matting, add something else

Basically have the jap matt first, followed by finer matting and then finally into 2L of matrix. In the last chamber next to the pump is a bag of chemi pure. Can i place that on top of the matrix on leave it in this chamber?

This will be filtering 2 4x2x2 tanks.

Any suggestions or improvements appricaited.



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I dont like sumps that filter from the bottom of the media up.

The water as it is runs under the partition and then up through the media. I know you cant change it now, but that makes it harder to clean as the dirtiest parts are always at the bottom.

I would put the finer wool first. This is what is going to do your mechanical filtration. I would also add more of everything. You might as well fill the chambers up!


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Coral rubble and scoria can't hold a candle to Matrix, particularly Pond Matrix, if you are talking about bio surface area. There is quite a lot in the chamber, so unless you have a large bio load what you have should be sufficient, but if you add more, add Matrix.

Add coral sand/rubble if you want it's buffering capability,

Put the heater in the first chamber as it can never run dry, and the pump is better plumbed in line than submerged where all its heat will be bleed into the water.

You have the mechanical media in their correct order from coarsest to finest.

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Thanks guys

Going to add more matrix and put the heater in the first chamber now. Can the chemi pure bag be placed ontop of the matrix or just leave it in the pump chamber?



Get Pond Matrix as the pieces are larger and hold a greater potential to remove nitrate. Put the Chemi Pure bag where you pref ere, though personally I'd rather see it in the last chamber, but it won't hurt or work less placed on top of the Matrix.

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I dont like sumps that filter from the bottom of the media up.

The water as it is runs under the partition and then up through the media. I know you cant change it now, but that makes it harder to clean as the dirtiest parts are always at the bottom.

Josh, you've got a point, but the flip side advantage is that the first chamber, before the mechanical starts, will most likely be a "settlement" zone, which in effect acts like an extra mechanical layer. Dependant on water flow, a percentage of debris will settle to the bottom of the sump, effectively filtered from the rest of the tank as well as if it were trapped in a filter layer. This will prolong the time needed to clean the filter, the whole point to staged mechanical filtering from coarsest to finest. This area can be cleaned by siphoning it out, which is easier than cleaning a dirty mechanical layer, and no more difficult than replacing a disposable mechanical layer.

This area can also act as a fry refuge. Any fry that has gone down to the sump, rather than being trapped on a layer of filter wool to potentially die, it goes straight to a safe zone where it can forage till caught out.

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I agree with other comments. great setup but fill every chamber and get the most out of the sump.

I'd fill the first chamber with bio balls and wadding (filter wool). I think all area of a sump should be filled with media. The more media you have the better it will work and less cleaning required.

Cheers Couchy :thumbup:

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