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cockaroach traps in fish room are they ok >?>>?


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i just noticed some small cockaroachs in fish room probably cause its warm in there... if i put out these cockaroach traps and these dirty cockaroachs go in trap and then end up going near the water or nets and so on.... can they kill the fish ?

sorry for a dumb question but i would hate because of a cockaroach trap i killed some fish .... better safe than sorry


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i use the cockroach gel , i just put a few drops around behind my tanks and the roaches swarm to it , and the next day they are all gone.

i buy it from bunnings , cant remember the name of it , but it's in a little shrynge . about $7.for a 50mg

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those little black square things you normally put around .. you buy them from woolies they last 6 months

I have used them many times around my garage tanks, without issue. Hang your nets up and keep the tank's lids closed.

I have heard that people have used the gel that Adam has mentioned, but I wasn't aware it was available retail. I have heard that it is successful, but once again, hang your nets up and keep the tank's lids closed.

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I found the black things make good cockroach houses. We use those sticky traps with an attractant in the middle. When we first used them in a unit in the Eastern Burbs we were shocked. The Gel sounds good. I can imagine vemin would love a fish room in winter.

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You only need the traps you get in wollies, IGA etc. use them in my fish room no probs.I even take them out and spray them with a can and put them back in the fish room. Keeps the roaches etc away.

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you can make a diy for the time being, get a restaurant container rub butter all over the sides anything slippery or sticky will do, find some leftover meat but it in the middle grab the lid and cut on boths side a W shape cut but without the middle of the W

and place it on the ground and your done, also rub some gel or butter under the lid also

also the cockroach will crawl in their but cant crawl out, makw sure the cut shape is big enough so a cockroach can crawl in

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hahahahahahah LEG-IT your cruel lol :lol3:

use a chemical atleast it would kind be quick

bait them with food then when they try to escape they realise there is an alternate reason for such a feast lol sounds like my relatives

(do you think they what me dead <_< )

they are always inviting me over now im glad iv not made the plunge :lol4:

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hahahahahahah LEG-IT your cruel lol :lol3:

use a chemical atleast it would kind be quick

bait them with food then when they try to escape they realise there is an alternate reason for such a feast lol sounds like my relatives

(do you think they what me dead <_< )

they are always inviting me over now im glad iv not made the plunge :lol4:

it worked for me :lol1:

i tried it in the backyard at my old place and caught approx. 30 or so adult cockroaches all cramped in the container,

i've also got away to kill rats if you want to know :lol1:

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You only need the traps you get in wollies, IGA etc. use them in my fish room no probs.I even take them out and spray them with a can and put them back in the fish room. Keeps the roaches etc away.

What a great idea.

Baygon the cocky traps.

Love it. :clap

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A solution I regularly use:

Get a Chinese food container (doesn't matter what shape). Coat the the inside wall by smearing butter with your fingers around it. Put some fish flake in the bottom.

The roaches will be able to get in but not out. Because this trap is chemical free, you can use the roaches as a treat for carnivorous fish. They are quite nutritious!

Try it out...


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A solution I regularly use:

Get a Chinese food container (doesn't matter what shape). Coat the the inside wall by smearing butter with your fingers around it. Put some fish flake in the bottom.

The roaches will be able to get in but not out. Because this trap is chemical free, you can use the roaches as a treat for carnivorous fish. They are quite nutritious!

Try it out...


You don't use a lid?

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Are you sure the roaches did not come with the food?

A solution I regularly use:

Get a Chinese food container (doesn't matter what shape). Coat the the inside wall by smearing butter with your fingers around it. Put some fish flake in the bottom.

The roaches will be able to get in but not out. Because this trap is chemical free, you can use the roaches as a treat for carnivorous fish. They are quite nutritious!

Try it out...


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normally when weather is cold cockroachs try find warm places so they go and breed for example between my aquaclear motor and the actual filter cause the motor is warm..but yes when food is left around they will also come i have baited whole room with the gel and traps :)

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Naah, they don't need a lid, as the buttered wall stops them from scaling their way out...

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