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Tank aggression..


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I recently lost over half of my Malawi cichlids and the remaining few have become really aggressive and teratorial should I be looking at getting more fish soon to calm them down?

Hi Stuart

Could you please tell us more about your tank set up

Size of Tank

What fish you have

Aggression can be cured a few ways one is to stock more fish

When doing this I would empty all rockwork out and territiorys out and then add fish

Also more rock work can be added as well

In the past when I have had small breeding colonys I have added things like Silver dollers as they act as great differs fish as well

But if you can give aus a bit more information that would help



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Ok well it is a standard 5 foot tank and there is

I have:

4 mainganos 2 male 2 female

2 tanZainia 1 male 1 female

2 electric yellow 1 male 1 female

3 n.venustus1 male 2 female..Got these 3 today tho.

I lost:

5red empress2 male3 female(were dominant of tank)

3 peacocks males, sulfur, banga, hybrid

1 male electric blue

1 female lwanda

Since they died the mainganos have Been on a riot. They have calmed down a little bit now that the Venustus are in, but still go everything that passes their terriTOry. I might try and re arrange the rocks and see how that goes.. And I guess it's a little understocked too, Also do venustus like to eat plants? Cos they are going to town on mine.!


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Alpha fish is gone

good move with the Venustus as it seems that the Maingano

have realised they are back to a recognised social structure

most cichlids are hard on plants so things like Java fern, Anubia,

Jap rush and good old Val can most times work OK otherwise

find some fake plants you like :yes:


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If you answer Craigs questions Stuart, you will get better answer's. Ie why did you lose those fish?, Or do you know.

Maingano's can be very agro in small numbers.Most cichlids like to eat softer plants.

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If you answer Craigs questions Stuart, you will get better answer's. Ie why did you lose those fish?, Or do you know.

Maingano's can be very agro in small numbers.Most cichlids like to eat softer plants.

I lost those fish because i used a bucket that had been used to clean a paint brush with to top up the water level.. which put a toxic amount of ammonia in the tank.. my stupid mistake but i learnt from it.


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