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Few cats and a front


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Hi, had a try at taking some shots after being inspired with some of the latest posted by others. Mine arent as good but still not too bad :-). Not sure on Latin names of these sorry. These are all from my 6 x 2 x 2 tank.

Juvenile featherfin bristlenose

IPB Image

Orange spot Plec

IPB Image

Albino male bristelenose (think its male)

IPB Image


IPB Image

Juvenile frontosa

IPB Image

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Nice collection of cats you have there.

Can I suggest you check the white balance setting on your camera, the last 4 photos have a very strong yellow cast, you will get that type of colour cast if the photos are taken under tungsten light but the white balance was set to flash or fluro, if you've been using Auto White Balance you might need to change the white balance setting until whites look white. HTH

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Tx for the suggestion, most of the problem probably comes from the tannin in the water though. At times it looks like weak tea but shows up even more in photos, the first pic is a different tank and crystal clear.

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