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Cracked Eheim canister bucket


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Hi All,

I'm trying to fix a cracked Eheim canister bucket and would appreciate any advice, especially from someone who has attempted it before.

Crack is in the bottom corner and piece has completely seperated, but still fits in place perfectly. I'm debating between superglue/other epoxys on the outside and silicon on the inside.

Has anyone got any ideas?



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Hi All,

I'm trying to fix a cracked Eheim canister bucket and would appreciate any advice, especially from someone who has attempted it before.

Crack is in the bottom corner and piece has completely seperated, but still fits in place perfectly. I'm debating between superglue/other epoxys on the outside and silicon on the inside.

Has anyone got any ideas?



G'day Ash

I don't know if I would trust a repair with my tank and fish.

If you are going to attempt a repair, try using superglue. A better solution is to try and locate what type of plastic it is made from and obtain the applicable glue. With this glue it will actually cause a much better bond between the pieces.

If you do attempt a repair be sure to test it well away from something you want to keep dry. If it passes I would encourage you to drill holes into the intake and outlet pipes as this will stop the filter hoses siphoning all of the water out of the tank, should the filter repair fail.

Personally I would obtain a replacement canister. This will be a lot less stress on you as you will not worry late at night over the repair.

The only other thing I can think of is to repair the cannister and then place it into something that does not move. The only thing that comes to mind is a bucket that the cannister fits into and then put a lot of silicone in it. The silicone will allow some movement but it should also help prevent any leaks if your repair fails.

Maybe someone else has a better idea?

PS. I once repaired an old sacem canister filter that had a crack in the base. I placed a piece of glass inside the canister and siliconed it into place. The water pressure ensured the glass did not move and the filter lasted of for years afterwards.




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spare parts are available from eheim, you should be able to order another external bucket, though the cost may well be almost as high as replacing the canister. Aquarium silicone doest adhere to plastic as well as it does to glass, so make sure if you use a plastic glue that it will be aquarium safe.

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I would superglue the broken piece in place then cover the internal

area with 24 hr Araldite after roughing the area around the crack

you can use the Araldite on the exterior area also to smooth over

canister so nothing snags on it

Use adhesive as per directions on the packet


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  • 4 months later...

Hi all,

I thought I'd post the results of my repairs. After multiple thick coats of Araldite (chosen because it's water-resistant and bonds to plastic) the canister is watertight again.

Pls note I applied around 4 coats, all of them thick, and each coat was cured around 2 weeks. If anyone else is trying to fix a cannister bucket, I can confirm that Araldite works.



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