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not taking to pellets..?


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hey ppl just a quick question...

i have owned 2 green terrors (male and female juviniles) and a O.peacock bass for about a month and a half and there not taking to pellets (NLS) at all.........?

they are feeding on blood worms or beefheart every third day but not eating pellets ( i have also tried Hikari, flakes, NLS)

the 3 of them are young still just wondering what my next step should be...?

Amonia is 0

ph: 7.3

3x2x2 tank clean water well filtrated..

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Hi There

Just been through the same with my GT. He is now eating but the food sits on the bottom for about 5 minutes then he ambers over and eats. Try some garlic liquid and soak the pellets. They are stuborn but juvies generally eat like a machine. My gt just sat under his rock he is about 20cm. I added a female about 13cm and now he is a bit more active.

They can go for ages without eating but be careful with juvies as they require feeding more often for good growth. You also could try adding a few more fish for competion for the food like tigerbarbs as well.

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Stop feeding the the beef heart and blood worms and only feed pellets. The fish have just become fussy. After a few days they will eat the pellets.

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I agree with Josh, My GT when he had finished eating all the other fish in the tank started to eat pellets and flakes when he had no choice and would occasionally give him some bloodworms etc just for a treat.

When they have no choice he will eat what hes given - just like a human

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so cut out all "fresh" food until they start to eat....

NLS has go to better for them than just blood and beef heart i know but how long is safe for them to not eat... or will they just eat the pellets when there hungry enuff?

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Who says fish are dumb? Just look at well these fish have trained their human :lol4:

Your fish will be perfectly fine without the "treats" you have been feeding them. Both are very high in fat and protein and are not really that good for them on a daily basis.

NB. Fish are smart because they go to school :yes::yes::yes::lol4:

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Who says fish are dumb? Just look at well these fish have trained their human :lol4:

Your fish will be perfectly fine without the "treats" you have been feeding them. Both are very high in fat and protein and are not really that good for them on a daily basis.

NB. Fish are smart because they go to school :yes::yes::yes::lol4:

well they havent trained me at all... Iam feeding the bloodworms only one block every 2nd or 3rd day.

i have droped in pellets and they dont even taste them they just watch them float to the bottom or say at the top and i take them out bout and hour later...

I was just asking for advice... isnt that what this is for..? :confused:

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Who says fish are dumb? Just look at well these fish have trained their human :lol4:

Your fish will be perfectly fine without the "treats" you have been feeding them. Both are very high in fat and protein and are not really that good for them on a daily basis.

NB. Fish are smart because they go to school :yes::lol4:

well they havent trained me at all... Iam feeding the bloodworms only one block every 2nd or 3rd day.

i have droped in pellets and they dont even taste them they just watch them float to the bottom or say at the top and i take them out bout and hour later...

I was just asking for advice... isnt that what this is for..? :confused:


You are 100% correct, the forum is exactly the right place to ask all of the questions that you can come up with.

We are a friendly bunch here, sorry if I did not explain myself better, believe me I was in no way having a go at you. I was just remarking about how easy it is for the fish to train all of us humans into doing what they want, in this case getting them to be fed the tasty beefheart and bloodworms.

Try not feeding the bloodworms and beefheart anymore. Feed your fish the pellets in the morning and if they are still there before lights out by all means scoop them out. The next day repeat the same thing again.

When they get hungry they will start eating the pellets, and these pellets are a lot better for them than the beefheart and bloodworms.

If you have been feeding them this diet for a while they will be very well conditioned and can easily go for 7 days without any food at all.

NB. I had a GT (Harry the first) that trained me to only feed him Freeze Dried Blood worms, I believed that this was all that he would eat :shock: . Unfortunately this also led to him having a bad case of Hole in the Head, just before he died :( I could literally see right through his head. He loved the worms and I didn't know enough about the problems that they were causing him.

Anyways persevere with the pellets, the fish will eat when they get hungry, don't worry even if it takes them longer than a week to eat the pellets, they will :yes:

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i hate to disagree with most. But the GT's may take to pellet with a few days starve but the p bass will NOT. how old is it? just out of curiosity because you siad it was young so if its under say 10 months then feed it 3 times a day. Blood worms are fine every day but drop the beefheart. P. bass are true 100% piscovores and do not want any food source that is not alive. You need to use the drop method to get them onto pellets. I would love to explain but i type waaaay too slow for that. Become a member of MFK.com and goto the p.bass section there is a write up on converting them onto pellets.

But if you really want to keep p.bass forget pellets altogether they are useless when it comes to bass as they can eat an entire bag of hikari cichlid pellets in a day or two when they get bigger. Get them onto fish fillets then all you have to do is chop it up and throw it in.

P.S i know because ive converted 10 monos over from blood worm to fish/ pellets this year.

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i hate to disagree with most. But the GT's may take to pellet with a few days starve but the p bass will NOT. how old is it? just out of curiosity because you siad it was young so if its under say 10 months then feed it 3 times a day. Blood worms are fine every day but drop the beefheart. P. bass are true 100% piscovores and do not want any food source that is not alive. You need to use the drop method to get them onto pellets. I would love to explain but i type waaaay too slow for that. Become a member of MFK.com and goto the p.bass section there is a write up on converting them onto pellets.

But if you really want to keep p.bass forget pellets altogether they are useless when it comes to bass as they can eat an entire bag of hikari cichlid pellets in a day or two when they get bigger. Get them onto fish fillets then all you have to do is chop it up and throw it in.

P.S i know because ive converted 10 monos over from blood worm to fish/ pellets this year.

thanks for that also mate... just an update........ there still not eating!! :(

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