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Urgent Help Pls!


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Hi Guys!

Any advise, appreciated!

So as you know or may not know I have a standard 4 foot with 6 cobalts, 4 electric yellows, 3 peacocks and 4 red empress. Its been set up since the beginning of the year and haven't had any problems with it.

I did a bit tank clean yesterday, although I didn't touch the filter medium. I vacuumed and took the rock work out and took out about half the water. I usually do just a water change every 1 - 2 weeks and then the next clean will be a bit one like yesterday. The have always handled it fine and dandy.

Last night they were all hanging up the the top at the water level and looking at bit gaspy. I checked the levels, hardly any ammonia, nitrate was about 40 (a tiny bit higher than usual) but due to water change I thought this would be pretty normal.

Today they are still a bit the same. They are still kinda active and eating, but I haven't seen them do this before.

Ph is a bit low, about 7.4 just added some buffer. Nitrate is currently at about 20.

Any thoughts?

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Fish hanging around the top can be ammonia, low oxygen or sometimes a toxin that may have come through the water with your clean out.

Ammonia is present as you say this usually happens when the rocks have been disturbed with major clean outs, occasionly ammonia may come through the tap water (depends on water supply) usually another partial water change should rectify it.

If it dooesnt look for signs of parasites etc

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Fish hanging around the top can be ammonia, low oxygen or sometimes a toxin that may have come through the water with your clean out.

Ammonia is present as you say this usually happens when the rocks have been disturbed with major clean outs, occasionly ammonia may come through the tap water (depends on water supply) usually another partial water change should rectify it.

If it dooesnt look for signs of parasites etc

Agree 100%, check oxygen, what water conditioner did you use? Maybe give some prime ago.

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I had the same situation happen with a tank full of featherfin Tangs when the population got a bit big for the tank.I did lots of water changes added water conditioner(stuff for the chlorine which does ammonia and a few other toxins) put an airstone on full bore to get the O2 up.It sound like a toxin probably Ammonia and it will happen again if the population isnt reduced or more filtration added.It happened again with me before I could fix the problem when I was away and most died

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would agree with the problem being either low oxygen, toxins in the water or ammonia... Remember though that cichlids can consume lots of oxygen especially when the tank is heavily stocked. On top of this when the weather changes and becomes really hot the amount of oxgen within the tank decreases and air stones arn't as effective.

An easy way that can sometimes identify toxins is to check the top of the water and see if you notice a film like substance (like an oily coating). This is a good indication if you have toxins within the water.

And finally, test kits don't last forever so old ones may not always provide accurate readings.

Glad to hear your fish are ok, always a relief after such situations occur :)



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Do you pre treat your water or straight from the hose then add chemicals ?

this reaction is what you would expect if you don't pre treat and did a water

change when the Waterboard use to dose the system or did major pipe works

the best option is increase aeration and add charcoal while doing small daily

water changes .......... nitrate seems higher that you would expect

you note ämmonia is really low Prime is a good move as it will bind ammonia

and that is why the reduced reading

Good to hear its on the improve :yes:

higher pH levels will magnify ammonia's affect

rebirthed from Sept :thumbup:

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