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My Rant - Blue Namansi Reef Frontosa


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My rant begins with the introduction to many Frontosa lovers of the Namansi Reef variant. This variant is the latest variant discovered and so is the target of many "professors" who like to think just because they have bred Mobas , read a Tanganyikan text or scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef are self proclaimed experts.

Firstly a little information on the fish. As their name describes they where discovered in very deep water off the Namansi reef, the first specimen was collected 3 years ago. A small number of these fish where exported to Germany then from here 21 where bought by bay fish (this can easily be checked) and brought into Australia. Like all Frontosa now they are very difficult to export from the lake, due to a variety of reasons, like the civil wars currently running and the mere fact that survival rate was not good when they were being brought to the surface.

I personally have a colony of 12 WC specimens and 10 German F1's. So naturally it was in my interest to research this fish and nothing could be found! So it was bay fish's word that they were a real fish not a Kavala cross Moba as one person said to me the other day! I saw my opportunity march last year when Ad Konings came to Australia for talks. Here I cornered him knowing he is a world leading expert on cichlids, I saw my chance for verification. While he was surprised that not only was aware about this fish that I was keeping them as well! We spoke in depth for a short while and he confirmed everything I had hoped.

Another thought is how many known variants where there 10 years ago? 2, Burundi and the 7 bar, compared to today 25+ and the list will keep growing. Does anyone remember when the first lighting blues came into the country? There were many experts refusing to acknowledge this variant. So why have they not learned that just because they don’t keep it in their own 6ft community aquarium it does not exist?

Now on to a brief description of this fish. It is more this variants character then appearance that set it apart from other Frontosa even though it does display a much more intense blue than any other Frontosa I have seen. From 1cm fry to 35cm+ adult they are easily the most aggressive Frontosa I have ever experienced (experience being WC7 bars, F1 Lighting blues, WC Moba’s and F1 Kavala), willing to eat any fish smaller the themselves at anytime of the day and yes I realise that many Frontosa display this trait but by no means to the extent of the Namansi. Even at 3cm their fry shows such aggression towards food. At one point I had lighting blue fry in a tank next to Namansi fry of the same age, the Namansi fry where very round and almost twice the size of their neighbours.

Wow what a rant! Just quickly read it back. I apologies if I have struck a nerve of any readers but this topic hits close to home and the point that I’m trying to get across is that it is important to have an open mind and to remember that while we might be captors of our wet friends we are students first.

Thanks for reading.

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Heya Ben,

Definitely not a rant, but a very good explanation and introduction of this beautiful species.

I have 9 of them at about 12cm, obviously from your WC parents, purchased through our good friend at Beenleigh Aquarium.

I would say a more spectacular irredesecent blue coloured fronnie, even more so than the moba which I have kept.



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They are nicelooking Frontie for sure. When you put photos up of the parents I did have a look to see if I could find any info on them and there was not much around. I have seen Mick's collection of 12+ variants and I am amazed at their diversity. Off the top of my head I have no idea what he keeps Ijust know he keeps a lot of them.

I have only just started keeping fronnies and do love them a lot. I have some F1 Kitumba and I am now waiting for the other WC to start breeding again so I can grab some from there and then get a separate male (probably from Mick's line). It is VERY important that we keep these lines separate and identfied for all the reasons you stated above. By the sound of it you have the real deal so well done on getting another varient in the country. I just wish I had more tank space because I would keep another variety for sure (probably the Ikola).


Did you post thison Frontosa.com.au. I am sure the fronnie nuts would love these guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ben, I have to agree with Wolften, definitely not a rant, infact it is great to see someone who is dedicated enough to the species to take the time to ensure both their knowledge and the continuation of the individual blood lines, this is unfortunately not always the case with the self proclaimed Oracles in the hobby :angry:

VERY NICE FISH :thumbup:

Do you find that this variant requires any out of the usual care and feeding etc?

[Rosco, Mick has indeed got a great collection of variants and he was infact the person that got me into the Cyphotilapia in the first place.

The last I heard he still had 12 variants including:

~ Kigoma

~ Kipili

~ Karilani Golds

~ Moba

~ Ikola

~ Tanzanite

~ Burundi

~ Mpimbwe

~ Samazi

~ Kitumba

& 2 other variants the names of which slip my mind at this point in time. (Old Age I Guess :confused: )

Congatulations on your colony Ben and best of luck with future breeding :thumbup:

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Andy - Kapampa????

and he was infact the person that got me into the Cyphotilapia in the first place.

he has that affect on people doesn't he. If it wasn't for his fish I wouldn''t have gotten hooked on Kitumba and Ikola :wub

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Andy - Kapampa????

and he was infact the person that got me into the Cyphotilapia in the first place.

he has that affect on people doesn't he. If it wasn't for his fish I wouldn''t have gotten hooked on Kitumba and Ikola :wub

That's the one Rosco & yep he certainly does :lol3:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Awsome looking fronts, beautiful bright blues in them. What sort of prices do the fry of these guys sell for?

These are fast becoming everyone’s favourites, even Ad Konings. I sell them for $120 each for 4cm+ fish. Only a few are left, till next year.

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