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what to put in a 3x2x2?


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Hey guys i have a 3x2x2 that is just collecting dust so iam gunna set it up...

i like all americans but dnt want the tank to be 2 small to keep.

I thought to have just one fish in there or male and female of the same species? but once again i dnt wana be cruel and have them cramped or grow out of it, so yeah just wanting sum help with ideas.

thanks guys. :):8

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2 pair of Firemouths and watch them flair at each other from their

breeding territory :thumbup:

group of 4 - 6 Red Humps and watch the the males have spasms

when they are breeding :spaz:


African riverine with Lionhead or Tinanti or one of the Pelvicachromis

species and a school of Congo tetra


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The terrors are great as a solo with a plec or largish catfish. So are Severums.

You could do the colony of convicts.

Brown Acara, Curviceps, Festivum, Salvinis, Sajica & the Firemouths would all go ok as pairs.

You could always look at some of the dwarfs & kribs etc.

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Thanks guys!! wickd fish list there.

the only problem is i have NEVER seen them in s.a.....

i have seen synspilum but only one that was very poor and overpriced.. and ofcause the cribs, green terror arnt that common.

how would i get most of them??

thanx for feed back guys!!

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suck that there are no real shops here that carry americans.. :-(

has who would ship one/two fish tho..??

any one in specific that i could get in contact with... i can google them but would save time if sum1 knew a good shop there that deals with americans.

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I'm not from over your way but you could try Got Fish Aquariums. They are in Adelaide. Don't just go by what's in the tanks either, ask if they can order fish for you, then be prepared to wait for them. If not, Vebas Aquariums in Perth would ship too you, for the right price. They have americans & import from O.S. as well. But you do have to be prepared to pay.

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u ended up getting a male and female green terror..... verrry nice coulour on the male and female is smitten with him haha (follows him everywhere in the tank)


I also i found a MONO PEACOCK BASS!!

first time i have ever seen them in adelaide!!

so he/she is goin to grow up in there for a while until he/she can hold there own in my main 6x2x2 tank. at the moment only about three inches log but haze of colour already showing.

thanks for your input guys!!!

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yeah they are just spendin sum time with the bass in there and then they will have the tank to themselves.

i hope that i have a male and female.. it looks to be... what is the main telling points from expierience????

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