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Noisey Weir


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I need a bit of advice as my weir on my tank is noisey due to cascading water. I have the water about 1 foot from the top and cant get this any higher. I am thinking of putting some sponge or bio balls in the weir to quieten it down. The noise is like a tap running quite fast as the water cascades over the top.

Does anyone know how to raise the water level in the weir or are there any other options?


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To raise the water in the wier u will have to use a bigger pump but when it might be noiser or it might be quieter

Hi Guys

Well I filled the weir with bio Balls and put a piece of sponge ontop. Heaps quieter and might even filter better as well.

Wife alot happier lol :lol3:

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Simply install a durso stand pipe. Just google it and you will get some instructions, they are gold. I have 6500litres per hour going through my tank and you wouldn't know it.



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The Durso (or is that Dorso...forgotten) is the best solution. Google it as Rosco says. Another alternative is to lay the inside of the weir with Kamaharda bio mat, which the water will flow through, much like what you have done, but will keep your weir open. The problem with what you have done though, if I understand correctly, is that you have filled the weir with bioballs and caped it with a sponge. If and when the sponge/cap gets dirty = prevents water getting into the weir, tank backs-up = tank overflows.

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Craig is correct in regards to the sponge. I did a similar thing with my weir, I filled it with bio balls and then got a length of 10mm pvc pipe and just cut it into short lengths and placed them on top of the bio balls. This causes the water to trickle through all of the bio balls rather then just those that are closest to the glass of the weir.

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then got a length of 10mm pvc pipe and just cut it into short lengths and placed them on top of the bio balls. This causes the water to trickle through all of the bio balls rather then just those that are closest to the glass of the weir.

alternatively you could make a mini drip tray

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