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Cichlids are dying


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OH NO !!! HOW SAD !!

do you clean teh water often?

are you using all the right chemicals in your tank?

what about your food?

what about a proper heating system?

your poor cichilds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OH NO !!! HOW SAD !!

do you clean teh water often?

are you using all the right chemicals in your tank?

what about your food?

what about a proper heating system?

your poor cichilds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes well my tank is quite big and i always make sure the chemical balance is correct.

Although the other day we had a black out and the power went out!!!!

the tanks went cold so maybe thats why?

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Have you tested your water? if so what are the readings?

what fish are dieing?

what are you feeding?

How long has the tank been set up.

You wont get an answer that is correct until you provide that info as a minimum.


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Going off the bare minimum information you have provided, I'm hazarding a guess at it being a problem with ammonia as the number of bacteria would have plummeted with the lack of oxygen available during the blackout.

I do not think it would be a temperature related issue.

PS - If you don't provide the information Josh requested plus any other observations then no one one will reply as it is impossible to help with no information.

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