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SA set up pics?


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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and I've been searching through the pics and seen some awesome fish and tanks.

Anyways, I'm calling on all the geo/south american fish keepers here for some pics of their setups for some inspiration for my new 9x2x2 which will have geos and a few catties.

My aim is to make it look as natural as possible.

Anyways, here's a couple of pics of some of the fish that will be going in there...

Not the best pics but will take some better ones once the new tanks set up.

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This is what the tank looks like now, minus a few bits of wood and less tanin lol.

This one's in the garage so it's not a display tank...

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So yeah, some pics for some inspiration would be much appreciated :thumbup:



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I too am looking for inspiration and I quite like yours. About the only thing I could think to add would maybe be some rounded river rocks/pebbles. Less tannin would be good for viewing and you already reduced that :-)

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Thanks, I do like the look of this tank, but it just doesn't feel right, and it won't be the same in a 9x2.

So I'm thinking of starting from scratch...

This shows the fish in less tanin :D

The tank's a lil over stocked at the moment, hence the tank upgrade :p

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Thanks, these days, I dont see them much, only during feeding but it's cos I took a heap of the wood out.

I found, if you give them more hiding places, they feel more secure and come out more. (go figure lol)

When I had the extra wood in there, they would swim out in the open during the day like tetras lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

nice set up mate, its great to see someone doing the right thing and resist the temptation to put submerged plants in - now thats natural! how about some diamond tetras, they would look great in a school... or if you lose some coverglass panes, you can put in some floating plants, but nevertheless the tank looks sweet.

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Thanks T,

I'm actually on the look out for some floating plants :D

I was thinking of diamond tetras, bt I couldn't find place with a good number of them so I ended up going the rosy tetra.

In pet stores they look pretty average but in a tank with the right water, they're stunners.

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Thanks T,

I'm actually on the look out for some floating plants :D

I was thinking of diamond tetras, but I couldn't find a place with a good number of them so I ended up going the rosy tetra.

In pet stores they look pretty average but in a tank with the right water, they're stunners.

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Thanks for your comments guys :)

I see what you're saying Craig I actually thought that at first as well, but when I took them out, the tank looked too empty.

But that's the only way they fit in the tank lol.

But I'm still happy with the look :)

Pat, these fish were once labelled AripuanaI, then labelled Abalios but is now recognised as Columbian/Venezuelan.

The others are Brachybranchus.

Marlift, I'm glad my tank and fish has helped you see the beauty in geos :)

EDIT: PS, the internal filter is only temporary, I'll be upgrading the canisters soon, so the powerhead can go and the hardware will be made less visibe as well.

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Cheers Matt, I've seen some of your collection, some awesome eartheaters you got there.

Here's a couple of better pics of the C/Z

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Theres some better footage of them in one of my other videos :D

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