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Black widow? I have read the article,apparently man made.

Venustus cross? Obviously, the Germans love experimenting!

Sorry if i offended anyone,my appologies.

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Hey Ziad,

These have been around for a while but I dont think they are in Australia.

I think they are called 'black widow' or something similar.

Im not a fan - they just arent that appealing IMO :no:



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It is interesting that I only breed my fronts with straight and full barring but these fish have been bred for bad or no barring.

Still a nice fish though.

would be good to have a frontosa with no bars.

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I'd love to know how fish are line bread, to change stripes to blotches.

I wander if its reversible,to line breed a venustus with stripes!!!

Just kidding Joel,who knows what they'll come up with next.

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The thing I dont get is how long it would take to line breed these fish. Considering how long it takes to get fronnies to breeding size and assuming things went really well then and it only took say four generations to get them looking like this, then it could have taken 20 years.

More likely to be a cross me thinks


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I don't know but I thought cross breed should not be encourage??!!! Imagine these fronnies go back to the wild, and years later, next generations won't get to see the original frontosa no more !!! :( and the original Venustus !!!

I still prefer my 4 fronts in my tank !!! :)

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The thing I dont get is how long it would take to line breed these fish. Considering how long it takes to get fronnies to breeding size and assuming things went really well then and it only took say four generations to get them looking like this, then it could have taken 20 years.

Could they have pulled a few frontosa out of the lake with pretty ordinary barring and then line bred a few generations worth?

I guess its a long shot - thats some pretty radical barring. :confused:

I wonder how well they sell?



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disgusting, i love frontosa and think every precaution should be taken to preserve their natural beauty. There are enough variants out there in the wild to keep everyone satisfied. these hybrid or man made fronts should be banished.

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The thing I dont get is how long it would take to line breed these fish. Considering how long it takes to get fronnies to breeding size and assuming things went really well then and it only took say four generations to get them looking like this, then it could have taken 20 years.


This could easily be the case I believe because there would be people who have kept Fronts for 20 years plus and have kept their fry with bad barring and then breed these together and so on....and then they decide its time to try and make a dollar or in this case a Deutschmark.

Their not too my taste.

I know of a completely jet black male fronny, mmmm, perhaps I should think about breeding him... :p



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imo they are not a good looking fronnie...but in saying that,we all have different taste budds ;)

hey albie could you imagine what we could do if we tried fronnies & calvus :clap

fronnies with dots & calvus with stripes :lol4:

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