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MDF boards with Pallet Racking


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Hi All,

I was just wondering if anybody uses pallet racking without the MDF board, by that I mean sit the tanks on the beam with just 20mm of dense foam or similar?

If so, or if not, could you please elaborate as to why or why not.

Much appreciated.


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i would not go without board underneath the tank. You got a high chance of "bust through" due to having no support the entir length of tank. although it will probably hold its own weight well, having a rock fall or having weight concentrated at any time could cause disaster. even small tank stands have cross beams.

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I use 18mm MDF with all the racking, if it gets wet it does expand a bit, so if you can afford I think marine ply would be better, but I think it is 3x the price. Or you can silicon over the edges of the MDF..



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Thanks guys for the reply, I was really hopping there would be an overwhelming response saying I don't need to use the MDF just foam, it's not really a big issue it was just that I was hoping to claim back the 32 mm for extra clearance under each shelf.

I wouldn't think that the pallet racking would bust out as it is rated at something like 4 tonne a shelf, but to err on the side of caution I suppose.



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Thanks guys for the reply, I was really hopping there would be an overwhelming response saying I don't need to use the MDF just foam, it's not really a big issue it was just that I was hoping to claim back the 32 mm for extra clearance under each shelf.

I wouldn't think that the pallet racking would bust out as it is rated at something like 4 tonne a shelf, but to err on the side of caution I suppose.



Its not the racking to worry about its the tanks base you want even support under it, the more weight distribution the better

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Definitely no need for any support. The bases of my un-supported tanks are 1000 x 840mm.

I think MDF board is worse than nothing. It'll fall apart when wet, contains toxic chemicals, will grow bacteria and fungus, and will give you a false sense of security. It's useful to see fry through the tank bottoms, too.


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  • 5 months later...

My husband is a cabinet maker/shopfitter, we have used HMR Melamine for the racks in our fish room and edged the sides of the boards with 2mm edge strip. This is the same material used in most kitchens and bathrooms. The HMR stands for High Moisture Resistant.

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I use MDF...moslty because its pretty cheap...its not too bad expansion wise as long as you dont throw water all around the fish room...Ive been using the 25 mm (I think its 25 mm) but moslty because it was cheaper than the 19 mm at Bunnings (weird huh?)

I know Grant has been using it for years on his tanks


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Provided the tank is supported with the pallet racking, MDF should not be needed. I think it is false economy to use a material that is not water-proof around fish tanks anyway (no matter how careful one is).

Though not mentioned, the reason I think most people will put some sort of board underneath is because the tanks width does NOT match the width between the pallet racking beams. That is, no board means there is nothing to support the tank.

I don't know if cross pieces of pallet racking can be purchased/installed, but if so, provided the tank's front and back are on the pallet racking, with a few cross beams then polystyrene is all that is needed, which is the answer to your question. This will hinge on whether or not cross pieces can be used.

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Isn't melamine just like chip board?

Well i went to bunnings this arvo and found a plywood called foreply. Its water resistance similar to Marine but cheaper. 1200mm by 1800mm by 17mm for $70. I might just used this instead.

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Isn't melamine just like chip board?

Well i went to bunnings this arvo and found a plywood called foreply. Its water resistance similar to Marine but cheaper. 1200mm by 1800mm by 17mm for $70. I might just used this instead.

There are varying grades of melamine, thats why I stated HMR, some are particle board based and some are craftwood based, probable cheaper to go to a cabinet maker and see if you can buy some offcuts.

People used to occasionly come into our factory and ask for offcuts and we would sell them cheap, so maybe some one in your area will aswell.

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