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L-Number Plecs


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Since these are "armoured" catfish, does this mean they are hardier than the standard bristlenose? I know they grow a lot bigger too, but what size do they get to? Are they like clown loaches in the way that they take forever to get to max size? I also heard they poo a lot, is this true?

Also, what is the cheapest/most common type available? Approx what price are we looking at?


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Since these are "armoured" catfish, does this mean they are hardier than the standard bristlenose? I know they grow a lot bigger too, but what size do they get to? Are they like clown loaches in the way that they take forever to get to max size? I also heard they poo a lot, is this true?

Also, what is the cheapest/most common type available? Approx what price are we looking at?


Thats like asking if an african cichlid has more colour than an american

L-number is a generalised term used to categorise a series of catfish which all resemble the general shape of bristlenose / plecos.

I suggest you look up Planet Catfish and look through that site for more information

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  • 2 weeks later...

All larger cats poo a lot

they will eat a lot to if its there for them

like said hit the search button for some info

or try info at top of this forum,, to start

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