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Sailfin problem


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Hi, I got a nice 12cm ( maybe bit bigger) sailfin plec (think this is right was just refered to as sailfin) for my 4ft cichlid tank on the weekend. Since I had a fair way to go home it was put into a styrene box with about 10cm depth of water, when I opened the box up on arrival it looks like scrapes down one side of its body. I took it easy on the drive back with no sudden stops to minimise any drastic movement but looks like it still got a bit of a rough ride. I got it Saturday afternoon and its been munching its way through the algae on the rocks in the tank but I'm still a little worried about infection so I have been putting in the required dose of stress guard but never sure how effective that stuff is. The lighter areas on the pic are the scrapes, it was a uniform patterning of darker brown all over at the shop so I'm assuming it occured in the transport. Any thoughts or advice appreciated.

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Hey mate,

Doesnt look like scrapes to me. Given the light substrate/rocks that you have in the rocks, plecos tend to lighten up to blend in. I have that happen to many of my plecs over the years.

Currently I have dark substrate in the tank with dark rocks, and the gibbis have lost the lightness to a nice dark colour.

Give it time to settle in the new tank. Lightness in the skin texture could also be as a result of stress.

Keep us posted!

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  • 1 month later...

The sailfin certainly settled into life in the tank, the color change I noticed was just his natural camouflage kicking in. With all the cichlids hiding he is the only fish not bothering except for the odd move of location when disturbed by the other fish hiding. I even had him coming up to the top for an algae wafer from my hand once.

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