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5 Foot Mayhem!

619 Fish GOD

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Hey All,

Got a bit of a problem, please help.

Lost a clown pleco. He was fine one day, died the next. That was 6 days ago. Lost two angels. Would swim vertical for a few weeks (I was told there was nothing I could do to help) before dieing. That was 3 days ago. Did a 25% water change after they died and now I have a dead PM Bristlnose and another with a swollen belly on it's side. I have that one in a Chinese container floating in the main tank. There is one other PM that has a swollen belly, but he is swimming around okay and one other that is fine. Other tank things are: Cichlids,Gourmai's BGK,Catfish and Tetra's. Everything else seems fine, so I doubt water problems.

Please help,



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