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Anyone have a Ctenopoma?


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Nope, they aren't around or they just aren't carried in the shops I've been to. Seems volume is the key with the super pet stores....little shops are far and few. They can't really compete. I've looked for Synodontis, only found some Eupterus and Lace cats...no mutipuntatus. That's going to be a hard find.

As for the Africans I see, most are easily raised in FL by fish farmers. Well, thanks for the info. I'd like to get one but if I can't, well I had mine for several years.


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Hi Blu

Unfortunately unless you pad the order out with a number of fish the air freight charges are something that make you rethink how much you really want them

Know any one that could add to the order ?

Check Google searching for African fish Ctenopoma you might find a reference to a forum board or seller local to you

:) L2H

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  • 3 months later...
  • 11 months later...

I purchased one recently (within the last 6 months) and have since been trying to make a tank specially for them. This aquarist aquariums how long ago did they have them? (as you can tell first post, so first time reading forums too). They are one of the best fish. Apparently they are illegal to import and that is why there are so few. Also apparently not many people actually like them to begin with (or more to the point know of them, or recognise them in shops) so they arent a common import. But they are awesome fish, they have so much personality.


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