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Lighting....Featherfins hate it!


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Hi All,

I currently have growlux & actinic tubes on my featherfin tank. Unfortunatley the fish hate it, although they are starting to get used to it. Any recommendations on tube types or alternatives to help bring out their best colours? The tank is not near a window so natural lighting is out.



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They do eventually get used to lighting but 'yes' it is a struggle. I had a 4ft reflector on a 6ft tank to minimise lighting. However i found with mine that no lighting was the best lighting. Ambient light captures the colours of some fish better than others, particularly foai.


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Yeah, my Karalini's dont like any lighting at all, they just seem to huddle in the corner, so I dont bother. there is enough natural light anyway.

Interestingly, they seem to be in best colours in the evening, and I am lucky enough to have two males displaying at opposite ends of the tank some nights.

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Yeah, my Karalini's dont like any lighting at all, they just seem to huddle in the corner, so I dont bother. there is enough natural light anyway.

Interestingly, they seem to be in best colours in the evening, and I am lucky enough to have two males displaying at opposite ends of the tank some nights.

Thanks Ant and It2004.

Yeah, my two males are displaying and the fish have settled in really well in just over 3 weeks, however as soon as the light goes on they huddle in the corner looking morose! I am now just trying to win the battle and they are getting used to it. I guess in their natural environment they wouldn't get a lot of strong light so it makes sense.

What do you guys feed yours?

What size do they start breeding activity?



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Mine have no issues with lighting in regards to their behaviour. I can have on just 4 by 4' fluros or 8 + 3 MH, and the fish are fine with any combination. I use NEC Triphosphors (Sp?).

I have found the best way to view the fish's colour is with a flash photo, then look at the pic! The light needs to come in from the side to highlight the colours....

I feed mine NLS.

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hi Edas

the majority of f/fins will become acustomed to the level of light that you provide.

however, their preference is for low power lighting. this is when they are most comfortable, and the males will display their luminous colours.

most young males [varient?] start to display around the 8cm size [ to claim territory] but it will be around the 10cm size before there's any serious action.

though the may be a few false starts [short term holding] they will learn.

the majority of f/fins should have a diet high in spiralina/vege flake. but a twice weekly treat of brine shrimp/krill or a good general flake food will not cause any trouble. NLS is becoming a popular, though my guys are not fully onto it yet

cheers; Colin

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hi Edas

the majority of f/fins will become acustomed to the level of light that you provide.

however, their preference is for low power lighting. this is when they are most comfortable, and the males will display their luminous colours.

most young males [varient?] start to display around the 8cm size [ to claim territory]  but it will be around the 10cm size before there's any serious action.

though the may be a few false starts [short term holding] they will learn.

the majority of f/fins should have a diet high in spiralina/vege flake. but a twice weekly treat of brine shrimp/krill or a good general flake food will not cause any trouble.  NLS is becoming a popular, though my guys are not fully onto it yet

cheers; Colin

Hi Colin

Mine are slowly getting used to the light, but as soon as they see me head straight back to the corner and mope. Quite amusing really, they have funny personalities! Mine are approx 11 - 12 cm and two of the males are really starting to colour up. None of the others are showing any colour, except a few greenish scales in the right light. Can females have one or two faint green scales?

Craig, mine love NLS pellets and flake.



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Mine are slowly getting used to the light, but as soon as they see me head straight back to the corner and mope.

Maybe that’s more a comment about the shape and quality of your head! woot.gif

What you are describing is not an issue with lighting. What it sounds like to me is that your fish need some “dither fish” in there to calm them down.

My big tank initially only had three species in it, and I’d swear that you’d say the tank was empty of fish. Once I put others in, particularly the Cyprichromis, the foai (and others) have been fine. To the point I can have my noise squashed (almost) up against the glass and the male will show his best to a passing girl as though I’m not there blush.gif .


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Mine are slowly getting used to the light, but as soon as they see me head straight back to the corner and mope.

Maybe that’s more a comment about the shape and quality of your head! woot.gif

What you are describing is not an issue with lighting. What it sounds like to me is that your fish need some “dither fish” in there to calm them down.

My big tank initially only had three species in it, and I’d swear that you’d say the tank was empty of fish. Once I put others in, particularly the Cyprichromis, the foai (and others) have been fine. To the point I can have my noise squashed (almost) up against the glass and the male will show his best to a passing girl as though I’m not there blush.gif .


Yeah Craig, I agree some dithers would help the situation, hence my WTB post for some leptosoma! When the light is off they are all over the place, will swim right up to my face hoping for food. When light goes on they hide in the corner for a while but gradually get used to it. I think it is just conditioning as they had lighting in their last tank. Anyway, just interested in what brings out their best colours.

Hopefully will find some nice leptos or rainbows this weekend.



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