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Copidachromis sp virginalis 'Gold"


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Hi All

These are some photos of my young male starting to color up. He would be about 8-9cm's now and has finally started to show interest in his girls

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Hi Josh,

Nice fish! And I think the young guy still has some fin development yet to happen.

They are hard to get good photos of but you've done a really excellent job!

What's your sex ratio? (I mean the fish woot.gif )



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I think there is three boys and seven girls. I lost a few of these guys because I forgot to slide the lids shut and they jumped out blush.gif

He has a bit of developing to go but he has gone from a dull black to this color in the last few weeks

I think the hardest thing to get in a photo is their true color. With out a flash they are dull and with a flash they seem to be washed out

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Hi All,

Might be a good time to let you all know that Auburn Aquarium has just recieved a batch of these beautiful "Malawi Butterflys"

They are 5-7cm with males just beginning to colour

They are going out at $49.95 Pair

or 2 Pair for $90. Extra Females are $19.95 each.

A pretty damn good price for such a rare and beautifull fish.



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