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Sticking Rocks together


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Hey all starting a new rockwork setup in one of my tanks. Just wondering cause i have been here before and lost a few tanks and good fish too. So now i want to adhere the rocks together what kind of adhesive do you use. ??? and will rocks from my local beach work once they have been washed???


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Yeah collecting rocks from most beaches is a no-no. Id use hot glue to stick them together, it lasts for ages, its cheap and wont effect your fish. wink2.gif I understand why you want to glue them together from your past bad expeariances but most of us dont do it and never have a problem.... HTH

Cheers Andy

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Cool i may just stack them then but not too high this time...

What i mean by local rocks from my beach is that we are doing dune restoration for the council for work and the rocks are being taken away for landfill...


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I understand why you want to glue them together from your past bad expeariances but most of us dont do it and never have a problem....

I've never had problems with rock falls before either, though I've often done bad things like leaning up against the back glass. no.gif

Hoddz, if they have a solid base to sit them on (ie. put the rocks down on a egg crate or silicon base, then put the substrate around) and you stack them sensibly they should be OK. If you are trying to do some funky arches and tunnels a little silicone or hot glue would be good for extra security.

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Word of warning....silicone is not permanent and it will not properly "glue" rocks together (especially sandstones). Be careful lifting the stuck together pile out of the water as they may ome apart and break the tank. Small pieces will adhere quite well but large pieces will not take the weight.

Andrea smile.gif

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I along time ago collected some rocks from a beach (yes i know its a no no)

But I have a question if anyone else experienced this

After the rocks have been put into fresh water "some months"

They seem to crack or break

is this something due to the fact they have been in salt water and now fresh

Would like to know the answer



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Some rocks will break up in water. Collecting them near a water source is not the same is collecting them from within water. My guess would be that they were not suitable to be emersed wether it be salt of fresh water. I imagine they would have been sandstone if collected in Sydney area, so perhaps they were just too soft for emersion.

There’s a name for rocks like this – it’s called sand!

Better Craig

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The rocks I collected were conglomerate rocks collected outside of the sydney area

These rocks were taken from rock pools and are shale thumbup.gif

The rocks were formed by chemical sedimentary wink2.gif

"oops I am starting to sound like the other craig " me sorry

Anyway back to my origional question has this happened to anyone else



p/s I do remember this science stuff It must have been the day I decided to go to school tongue.gif

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Apparently shale (if that's what you've ended up with) does tend to split along its bedding lines - particularly when wet. Apparently it's why you don't build houses on shale unless you've got lots of money for geotech work.

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Apparently shale (if that's what you've ended up with) does tend to split along its bedding lines - particularly when wet. Apparently it's why you don't build houses on shale unless you've got lots of money for geotech work.

Wow. The rialway line is covered with here from Padstow to east hills.

I hope its not the base that the tracks are on

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there is a 2 pack epoxy stick called "aquastick" that is good for rocks,

can be used under water, and is fish friendly. Not sure of the brand, but

I have pickked it up at RF Fibreglass at Seven hills 96246665


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