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New Tang. display


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Water is still cloudy, but you get the drift...

Overall shot (stitched)

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Middle 3 foot

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Tank is 6 x 2 x 18 and will house all my "spare" tangs, hence enabling me to close down some tanks.

Andrea smile.gif

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Guest j.c fishfan

WOW!!that is beautiful!!!

what type of rock is that you have in there??its really nice

thanks for showing us that!!

jamie smile.gif

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It looks very nice Andrea. I too would like to know what are the spare tangs that will be living in there


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Thanks guys!

what type of rock is that you have in there??

All the rock is limestone.

What "spare" tangs have you got in there?

I am hoping to put a trio of V. moorii, a pair of N. buescheri, 5 N. brichardi (albino...2 of which have paired), maybe 6 N. multifasciatus, 5 N. leleupi, a stunted O. ventralis, a one-eyed A. compressiceps female, 4 T. vittatus, 5 J. marleri, 5 E. descampsii and 2 N. caudopunctatus. Obviouslt there could be some problems with the combo and since I cannot readily catch anything out, they will have to nut it out for themselves. There are heaps of habitats, so in theory they should all be catered for.

This tank will have a sister tank butted up next to it of similar size, so the display will be 11 foot long in total. Then I can shut down 5 smaller tanks.

Not sure how long the plants will last, however i have been trialling these species in tang tanks and there has been little to no damage to them over the last 6 weeks or so.

What's the filtration like?

There are two modified side drops in the back corners that run lengthwise. They are about 18" x 6" x 18" in area. They have sponge pre-filters, 4 outlets and about 8 litres of matrix each.

Andrea smile.gif

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Gidday Nick...I bought the barnacles about 6 years ago from an LFS here in Perth. They have never had any since as far as I know sad.gif There was a wholesaler here in Fremantle many years ago (called Argo Traders I think) who supplied the local shops, but they have ceased trading.

Andrea smile.gif

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Outstanding as usual!!!! I would imagine the fish will be in awe when they get to swim in their!!!!

Could i ask why u r shutting down the other tanks?

Are u planning a 11 foot Tropheus display tank as well? thumb.gifwink2.gif

Keep the pics coming!


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Dave...the idea is to lessen my tank work load as I have other commitments that need more time these days. The Tropheus are all staying of course....don't fret! hug.gif

Andrea smile.gif

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Andrea that tank looks outstanding you should be proud of that effort.

Hmmm its going to be an interesting mix, i forsee never a dull moment in that tank lol!

But consideing the number of territories it may be ok, for the ammount of rock work it still looks pretty open, i have found that the Neos like it better if they have a blind cave to live in protect, so they dont spend all day wondering around running into each other and playing wink2.gif

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Cheers Mick...by blind cave do you mean a blocked off cave so one way in only? I have a few of these plus an assortment of large shells hidden/placed around the tank in sheltered areas. Hopfully they will sort it out without any fatalities. I wont be able to catch anything out once they go in.

Andrea smile.gif

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Dont you love that feeling of throw them all in and hope for the best...my 8 footer was abit like that aswell..

I found that it works best by adding the crankiets, more dominat fish last for me it was the tropheus, not because they pick on anything at all but because there is such a dominance due to the numbers of these fish.

Yes Andrea thats what i mean by blind caves..

Cant wait to see it stocked up.

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Well...bullet bitten! All went in together. Now we sit back and cross our fingers. So far the only real tension is being displayed by one leleupi. He/she hates everyone apparently, including all the fish that he/she has been happily living with for the last 18 months. And what can I say about the multis...they hate everyone.

The numbers got mixed a bit (largely due to multis popping out of shells after they (the shells) went into the new tank dry.gif I have 1 A. compressiceps, 1 O. ventralis, 4 J. marleri, 1 pair albino brichardi, 12 (maybe more) multis, 6 N. leleupi (4 yellow, 2 orange), 4 T. vittatus, 1 pair N. buescheri and 1 pair of V. moorii. After observing for a while, I feel that some surface fellas are in order. Pity I let my leptos and nigs go some time back cryblow.gif I was given a huge tinanti last week. I am toying with the idea of putting him in there too. I know that it compromises the tang. theme, but he can be my pseudo/token "goby" woot.gif

Gotta say, I am pretty happy with the way it's turned out. Next project is a Malawi display.

Andrea smile.gif

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Hi Merjo, awsome tank as per usual. Just wanted to know where you get the barnacle shells from?

Do you have any for sale atm?



Merjo love the job you did on your tank I am just setting up a tank after a 10 year break from fish keeping hope mine looks that good.

Nick seen those barnacles for sale today at st george Aqamiums

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Well...the fun and games begin! A pair of leleupi has decided to play house and figure that they need to keep the other 4 leleupis in the end 4 inches of the 6 footer (even though they have chosen a site on the far right of the tank).

Andrea smile.gif

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