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Thankyou Jim, and Aline


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Well this is just a huge thanks to Jim and Aline for their combined efforts in the last few weeks to help get me a new colony of tropheus.

It took a little bit of juggling but in the end they worked it out and i am now the proud owner of 30 little Ilangi...

There new home is a 6x2x2 with just a few rocks for now, and a bit of sand for them to play in.. Seriously the little guys are so tiny in this huge tank, but hopefully i will never have to move them, no time soon anyways.

The fish are tiny but for the price and the quality i am not complaining. They are cool little guys and you can see what will come of them colourwise, i am just a tad excited about the forthcoming months....wub.gif

Thanks heaps to Aline who managed to babysit, bag up, transport to the airport, as well as organising the the flights.... thumbup.gif

Considering th esheer tank space that they have i am thinking of making this my Tropheus fry tank, i have about 22 Kachese, and 30 duboisi in other tanks with my other tang fry.....maybe they will all go great together...but will have to think about it a bit, after all fry are for selling, which means swinging a net in there....not that keen, but.. dntknw.gif

Anyways thanks heaps again guys, i wil try and add a few pics to the photo thread this weekend

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Good to hear that you got it all sorted. The world it a much smaller place thanks for forums like this thumbup.gif

You'll have to get some pics up on the little fellas, looking forward to getting my hands on some on Jim stock in the coming months.

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Mick....Great to hear u have finally received those ilangi. I can tell u that they are nothing but quality since mine are almost fully grown and look nearly as great as Jim's wildcaughts.

It is so great to see Aline helping ship those amazing fish. I know she has done it purely from the kindness of her heart and her luv for these fish. Consider yourself lucky to find someone so willing to devote her time to organising the shipping of your fish. I wish more of us could have been so forthcoming in helping u out, including myself. Maybe we should follow her example.

I think Aline should start an interstate fish shipping service!!!! thumb.gif

It is only my advice but i would not use that 6 by 2 for anything else but those ilangi. They will quickly fill up that tank in no time. Maybe when u get a chance u should add another 10-20 to the colony.

Have fun and enjoy your new colony!


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You are most welcome Mick. It was delightful to finally talk to you and to have the opportunity to help out smile.gif .

All it took was a little planning, a little give and take and a top secret fish exchange in a McDonalds carpark with Jim to start the ball rolling woot.gif

There was a moment though when the 30 little terrors were in my 4' that I fleetingly thought of keeping them no.gif just kidding!! The chipimbi fry were relieved when they departed.

I would leave them on their own Mick, maybe a few small bristlies or what I did when originally setting up my chipimbi fry, who were only a cm larger when they arrived, was to put in two baby gibby's in with them. These guys are still together smile.gif the cats are not as large as they are in other tanks due to their diet however they are quite active and will give the tank some activity.

In case you haven't thought of it are all filtration uptakes covered well or small enough to prevent feeding on T's.

Have the happiest of Birthdays thumb.gif


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Well 18 hours later and they are STILL at one end of the tank! but cruizing aound al happy like, i think they are interested in getting in next door to were my duboisi are...

Aline and Jim it WAS good to actually have a chat, much easier tham pms and sms.

yep nice peoples are nice to find, and although it wasn't requested (knocked back even) Aline was rewarded for her efforts. so....

Aline you should have a bit of extra cash to get some of your own wink2.gif

I had a think about it and i probably will add my other tropheus fry just to keep them company for a few months, the other tank is getting full very quickly with 30 super active foai, and leptos, and brevis fry, i also have 2 more mouthfulls of duboisi at 2 weeks, each , and a kachese mouthfull at week one soo there will be a shortage very soon in the fry tank...The Ilangi tank will get an overhaul in about 2 months aswell when i finally add a heap more rock for there more adult days, so it will be when i remove the others as well. a few bristlenoses are a given to clean up any food that gets lost in the huge tank , lol besdies i have a few hundred around here somewere, lol

Dave it would be nice to add another 20, but finding an alternative source/dif bloodline will be next to impossible i feel. besides 30 is a great starting number, and they are F1 so basically from several different blood lines already, would be difficult to much better.

filter inlets.... well one foam bubbler and an airstone for now and a power head that has strainer on it, will be making up a few overtank trickles in the next week , the Kiriza tank beneth now has no mechanical filtration either as i had to move it to make room for the Ilangi 6x2x2, so still a few busy times ahead.

Pics have been taken will be added tonight.

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Aline you should have a bit of extra cash to get some of your own wink2.gif

yes.gif :yes:It will definately help out with freight for the new KII's wink2.gif and into getting some more foam boxes - I seem to be using mine up pretty quickly woot.gifwoot.gif

Looking forward to the pics!!


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