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Weird fish behaviour


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OK, noticed that Quentin (my big male synspilum) was sitting staring square into the corner of the tank for like 15min+, not moving even when I walked past. Not distracted at all, no begging for food like normal, even though his tankmates were...

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Then I realised where he is looking, square at the TV?!

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He did it right through Neighbours & then The Biggest Loser -pretty much an hr solid - but he isn't doing it for survivor? LOL.gif

Could he be copying what my wife & I were doing perhaps? Or was he getting funky reflections staring into the corner? This isn't the first time he's done this either, just the first time I've grabbed the camera. None of his tankmates do it, just him. Weirdness... laugh.gif

I don't seriously believe he's watching TV, but it's spooky all the same! tongue.gif

What other bizzare things have you caught your fish doing?

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Classic. I swear a mate of mines oscars do that too. My tinanti likes to play games. He sits on top of the power head, and jumps off and floats down into the 2400lph stream, blowing him right across the tank. Then he comes back and does it again and again. Its like a dog with his head out the window of a car.... laugh.gif

Then he will team up with the other male tinanti and mess with the Kirbensis's head. He will sit in front of their cave taunting them, the male krib will chase him away. As soon as he does that the other male comes in and takes his spot. The krib will come back, chase him away too. By then the first tinanti has doubled back and is sitting in front of the cave again. They do this for an hour at a time. Just making the poor little krib dizzy.... no.gif . They must think its hilarious.....


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I had an epileptic Pepper-spot Cory once.

It would be swimming normally, and then suddenly break into a violent shake, spinning so fast that it almost became blurry.

It usually only lasted about 10 seconds, and then it would sink to the bottom of the tank and gulp flat out for another 5 minutes then swim off as if nothing happened. dntknw.gif

Poor thing, very funny to watch though. laugh.gif

I quite often catch my 7 Clown Loaches lined up along the front of the tank watching telly. blush.gif

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I got to say hes got a bad taste in TV shows :p But thats hilarious!! LOL!

You can't blame the fish, why were they ever on in the first place confused.gif

I have to put my hand up & admit I watch both shows. raisehand.gif

Wife got me into them, been watching Neighbours for years now! blush.gif

At least I'll never watch Big Brother or Aust Idol, I have limits! laugh.gif

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