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How to make sand


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I am setting up a new tank soon and was planning to use sand again. I didn't want to go for plain washed again. I was hoping to use a sand that consists of a couple of different types of sand to achieve what I want. I was hoping for the grain size of roughly between normal washed sand and a sugar crystal. I want to achieve a mix that looks something like this.


Any help appreciated


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Why dont you buy the types you want and mix it yourself?

The stuff you posted the link to looks mainly like pool filter sand with maybe some river sand mixed in.

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Yeah, I own both. I will experiment tomorrow. Luckily for me I live across the road from 2 pool shops and a hardware store where they sell river sand LOL.gif


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Yeh, Wui is right, it is illegal to collect from the beach.

You can buy shell grit cheap from bird shops. You can buy like a kilo or two, for a couple of bucks.

Sand is so cheap anyway, just buy it from your pool shop since its so close to you. Beats travelling to the beach!

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Anyone care to send me a sample of coral and shell grit in an envelope thumb.gif In return I'll send you a copy of "Jewels of the Rift" on DVD wink2.gif


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Sand is seriously so cheap its not funny. my friend bought a 25kg bag for $5!

Shell grit is even cheaper. If you seriously want some, i have some you can have, and you dont even need to pass me a copy of the DVD.

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Wow, I don't think we have either of those permits up here in QLD (or do we?)

AFAIK so long as the fish isn't protected or Noxious you can go for you life (In QLD)

Am I wrong or what?

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