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choice of filter media


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I think I am not getting the most out of my canister. The media that I am using are

- ceremic pipes,

- Blue net sponge

- lava rock

- fine wool

I am thinking to get some good stuff to maximize the result. I am thinking to get Matrix or Eheim stuff. What will you recommend? or do you think the media I am using is ok?

Any input is appreciated.


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Guest parallel


Just bought some Aquaclay from Parramatta aquarium, one of the sponsor on the top banner. Very good price.

These stuff advertise surface area of up to 280sqm.



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Get rid of the lava rock. Its surface area is really small when compared to purpose built biological media. And space in a canister is prime as it is. Pack your filter so it is as follows;

1. Ceramic pipes

2. blue net sponge

3. fine filter wool

4. biomedia

With the water coming in at No. 1.

Be aware of issues when you make the switch of increase in ammonia due to a reduction of the bio bacteria.


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I've always gone with the finer wool as the last item, as final polishing before hitting the tank again. That is:

1. Ceramic pipes

2. blue net sponge

4. biomedia

3. fine filter wool

I think this is the "reccommended" Eheim setup from memory.

Is it a horses for courses kind of thing, or is the best practise to have the biomedia last?

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personally i would leave the biological media last. i think it is better for the water going through mechanical eliminating as much solids as possible, before going through bio.

saves the bio media getting clogged by fine particles and becoming less efficient via elimination of usable surface area.

i think everyone has a preferred method, but this is mine and the reasoning behind it.


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You don't want your biological media dirty, the dirtier it is, the less habital surface area the bacteria have to colonise.

If you want to put an extra layer of wool after the media, fine, but you need to have some fine wool before the biological media, and if you have the room for a extra piece of this, it would still be better to go before the biological. That is, still have you biomedia last, and have multiple layers of fine wool before it. At worst, a bit of dirt will go back in the tank, and if is that fine, it'll probably just go around again to your filter, and either way, it will be too fine for you to see.

Put the biomedia last.


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