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Tequila sunrise cichlid


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ive heard of called tequila sunrise, i dont know if this is the right name... the fellow who told me about them might have confused them with something else?

any help is appreciated...

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If you have a look at the properties of the image it tells you that it is Pundamilia nyererei. Forgive them for the spelling mistake.

"http:// ww.bigskycichlids.com/images/Pneyieri.jpg"

Greg Steeves wrote a fantastic article which can be found in the Cichlid Room Companion.

Pundamilia nyererei

The last photo that MIK20B posted was taken by Greg.

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sorry if ive nicked pics guys... not too much i could find on them

but you guys dont know of a " tequila sunrise " cichlid..... am i right?

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This was his response.

I've seen some hybrids that have been given other names like Sunshine Nyererei and the like. Can't say I've heard the Tequila one before though.

MIK20B can tell me where you heard the term as it my help. If you rather send me a PM that will be fine.


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to tell you the truth, its a guy who i no longer speak to. he had them in hes tank... a purple, blue, red yello and orange fish... there were 2 or 3 of them in his tank.... said he got them all from a shop in campsie....

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