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Jewel of the rift

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Guest parallel

Hi all,

Have anyone seen this documentary about Tanganyika Lake?

I have just watched it on sunday night, most fascinating of how cichlids evolved and also can ppl recommand any other good DVD's out there.

Anyone interested raisehand.gif



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I watched a docco years ago called "little fish in deep water" i think. It was a great watch with some good footage of some featherfins and enatopius. I havn't seen it around since then though. It was an old Suzanna Carr - World Around Us special. If you manage to find is let me know as well smile.gif

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merjo, I *think* there are some very slight differences but I have only a download copy of one, and scene the other only once some time ago. I may well be getting some footage confused but I *think* "Jewel of the Rift" is missing some short passages that I *think* were in "Little Fish"

As for recommendations, "Piranha: Wolves of the Water" was pretty good IMO. I haven't seen anything else specifically about fish that I thought was great.

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  • 5 weeks later...

i know its been awhile since the last post here but i thought id put this link up so you can download it for free


you have to download all the parts then unzip them then when you finish it makes

jewel of the rift,

i think its 500mb so be warned

i put it onto a dvd so i can watch it on my tv. its a national geographic doco and goes for 56 minutes thumbup.gif

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That documentary is very good! Ive also seen fishes from burundi and that dvd is pretty good!! Ive been trying to track more fish dvd's down but there rather hard to find

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched "Jewel" last night for the first time and I must say it compared reasonably well with the original "Little fish in deep water". There were a few sections added in and a few bits left out but I would say from memory that they are 80% the same footage.

I loved the bit with the otters and the A. compressiceps hiding in the log.

I will say that I had a good laugh at Avery whats-his-name though (the commentator). His voice kept reminding me of Troy McClure (Simpsons) or Zap Brannigan (Futurama) so it was a little difficult to take him seriously. LOL.gif The LFIDW commentator was a little less.......conspicuous.


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