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Project 4x2x2


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Hey everyone.

Well I have finally got around to finishing my 4x2x2. Its taken 4 months to get it to this stage, (why it took so long you ask !!), Well since i have never had a tank this large and having a sump as filtration it has taken quite awhile for me to get the thing running perfect and plenty of time seeing what would happen when the power was turned off and what else could happen, not to mention on how to get the water returned to the tank (that took the longest). So it has been sitting in the shed for 3 months with me sitting next to it pondering on what i should do with it.

So once my old man navigated it through the house and into my room ( how we did it still amazes me and really don't want to do it again shock.gif ). Then it was time to start putting it together. So off I went looking for a substrate that I liked, I looked at quite a few and in the end chose sand as it was cheap and looks quite good. Once the whole 40 kg of sand was in I went looking for some rocks to go in it and came across these river rocks and they looked pretty good so thats in there now. I must thank Mezzacam for helping me get the rocks as he nealy sliced off his fingers carrying all the rocks in buckets to the car...(was funny to see but woot.gif ).

The lighting I have on the tank is a sera daylight tube (4ft) and a blue night time tube (2ft) that really looks good, but in the photos they look funny as the daylight one looks quite yellow but its not and the blue one don't look blue enough but it is dntknw.gif (crappy camera)

As for fish there will be a colony of 7 Paracyprichromis nigripinnis and that will be it for a while until i can find some other fish that will go in there, I'm thinking a few species of shellys.

Think thats about it.. If anyone has some ideas/suggestion's and criticism tongue.gif, Fell free to post it up. thumb.gif

After all that there is only 2 pics laugh.gif (fish are not in it yet)

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Nice rockwork! Are they siliconed together? Have you got some sort of weight distributor at the base to disperse the weight if the rocks fall? I really like ur setup! it looks great and makes me wanna setup a nice rock tank! :)

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Looks like a great setup so many hiding spots and smooth edges too.

Are you going just Tangs or Malawis as well? If so Deep Water Elctras and Phenos are referred to as sand shifters by some, in answer to your question in the other thread (sorry bit lazy).

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