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Breeding Success !


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Hey guys;

Just wanted to share my joy of the day, which was finding black occie fry! I'm not sure how old they are but they are now free swimming, i've couted about four of them so far. Wow im soo happy i haven't bred fish since a year ago hug.gif

Thanks to Chorrylan for donig his best on picking out a male and female thumbup.gif . Much appreciated mate!

I will post pics up later tonight.

have a good day. tongue.gif


Okay so i got abit itchy and had to pick up the camera and take pics, so here we go!

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Thanks for the kind comments, and David once/if they get to a sellable size i will give you a ring.

Just a question or two to those who have bred occies before;

Did you leave the fry in the tank with the parents or catch them out?

They are pretty damn small and im worried bout doing a water change and losing some, whats the best way to do a water change?

And last one.. Whats the survival rate of them? Do the parents eat them up once a new batch is hatched?

cheers; Richard

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Congrats Richard! Hope they all survive for you.

When you do waterchanges, don't siphon. Just take the water from the top and make sure the tube/hose doesn't reach the bottom where they can get sucked up.

get some bbs hatching! or use decapsulated bbs. You dont need to hatch decaps. i use them all the time and it works a treat. bigsmile.gif

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